The Office is full of hilarious characters and storylines that keep audiences tuning in to watch the next installment. Among the comedy were emotional plots that included Pam and Jim’s long-term relationship, heartbreak, and the turmoil of everyday life. While a lot of the show was uplifting, some storylines took a darker turn.
As the show was a mockumentary, it was important to keep it as credible as possible. Therefore, as with real life, some characters encounter dark moments in their stories that either had an impact on the whole narrative or were used as an obstacle in someone’s journey.
10 .Andy and Nellie’s Differences Cause Bigger Issues
Season 9, Episode 4, “Work Bus”
Nellie and Andy had opposing personalities, which led to a lot of friction between the two. Nellie stole Andy’s job, which he always felt bitter about. While other characters got used to her, Andy held a grudge.
The darkest part of their differences was when Andy denied Nellie of any help with her adoption letter. He let his personal feelings get in the way of something sensitive and life-changing for Nellie. He did come around and support her in the end, but it took a while to get there.
9. Lack of Support for Pam’s Art Show
Season 3, Episode 17, “Business School”
Pam was the receptionist at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch, but her dreams stretched beyond her desk. She had a knack for art, and her work was exhibited in an art show that she’d hoped her colleagues would all support her in.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Oscar and Gill turned up, but Gill wasn’t impressed by Pam’s “motel art,” and Oscar didn’t disagree with him. Michael made it in time to see her work, which turned out to be one of the most emotional moments on the show. But that was it. Everyone at work knew her and saw her every morning. No one else made the effort to encourage Pam’s artistic venture, and it was visible to see how much it hurt her.
8. Roy’s Poor Attitude Towards Pam
Season 2, Episode 16, “Valentine’s Day”
Pam and Roy were never a match made in heaven, and it was largely down to Roy’s poor, disrespectful attitude towards his fiancée. Pam was full of life and a fun person, but Roy never wanted to go to events with her, nor did he put any real thought into gifts (if she got any.)
In a conversation with Jim, Pam nonchalantly said how she didn’t like to bother Roy with her thoughts and feelings, which is exactly what a partner should want to know. Roy couldn’t see the love that was right in front of him, and it only made Pam feel worse about herself.
7. Jan’s Toxic Relationship With Michael
Season 4, Episode 13, “Dinner Party”
Michael had a few relationships during his time on the show, but coupling up with Jan was not only terrible for him but also the worst relationship on The Office. Again, it did bring a substantial amount of humor to the program, but the toxicity between the two gave their story a dark twist.
Jan started as Michael’s boss, but the difference in status stayed with them throughout their romance. Jan continued to treat Michael like he was less than her, with demands that he couldn’t meet. Their relationship was put directly in the spotlight in “Dinner Party,” when Jim, Pam, and a few others went to Jan and Michael’s home. The pair were evidently not getting along well, as they tried to portray a facade that made them look like the perfect couple. Michael didn’t deserve how Jan treated him, but he was simply desperate for love.
6. Creed’s Mysterious Life Story Was as Strange as It Was Funny
Season 9, Episode 25, “Finale”
Creed was a brilliant and cleverly written character because he didn’t have many lines, yet he is memorable, funny, and played a key role in the show. By the very nature of Creed not being the biggest part of The Office, viewers didn’t know a great deal about him, but some strange parts of his life came up.
Random scenes like his blood-spattered shirt on Halloween dropped hints that there was a sinister undertone to Creed. In the finale, he was arrested, confirming any suspicions audiences may have had of him. Creed was seemingly harmless and didn’t cause many issues at his workplace. Having said that, maybe the reason he was so quiet was because there was a lot more to him, which he didn’t want to be known.
5. New Employees Leave After the Merger Because of Michael
Season 3, Episode 8, “The Merger”
After Scranton incorporated the Stamford branch, Michael decided to make their first day a bonding experience, which proved to be the complete opposite. It was a prime example of Michael wanting to do the right thing but taking it to such an extreme he ended up offending people.
Michael made the new employees all sit on a table in front of the others, and when Tony struggled to get himself up there, Michael embarrassed him in front of everyone. Eventually, Michael’s unnecessary antics resulted in Tony and a few others leaving Dunder Mifflin.
4. Andy’s Desperation to Be Liked
Season 8, Episode 4, “Garden Party”
Andy isn’t too dissimilar to Michael with his silly (but funny) sense of humor and his desire to be liked. At any given opportunity, Andy would tell people that he went to Cornell University, something that he was continually proud of and that he saw as being an impressive accolade. He would also fall for any woman who gave him attention and never really considered if they would work as a couple. His engagement to Angela was not right for either of them.
It was made apparent as to why Andy was desperate for approval at a garden party. With his family in attendance, Andy wanted so much to make them proud. However, it was his brother that always gained the attention of his parents. Learning of the sad reason Andy always tried to big himself up gave his friends (and viewers) a less harsh perspective on him.
3. Cathy Tries to Get With Jim
Season 8, Episode 16, “After Hours”
Viewers were rooting for Jim and Pam from the start of the show. The chemistry they had was clear, so when they eventually became an item, it was the love story audiences wanted. They did have their ups and downs, but their love for one another never wavered.
So, when Cathy tried to put Jim in an unfaithful situation, it was hard to consider the betrayal Pam would’ve had to face. Thankfully, Jim had no interest in cheating on Pam. Cathy’s persistence was always met with a “no” until she left him alone.
2. Michael’s Relentless Need to Impress
Season 2, Episode 18, “Take Your Daughter to Work Day”
Michael’s extreme need to be liked caused him to do some awful things that not only created problems for himself but also those around him. For audiences, it also generated laughter and a few cringe-worthy moments. But it’s the depth to which his need to impress went that was sad and pretty dark.
Michael just wanted friends, and in “Take Your Daughter To Work Day,” there was a hard-hitting scene that drove home Michael’s constant motive. As a child, Michael was on a kids’ show called Fundle Bundle. When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he explained he wanted to have a hundred children so no one could say no to being his friend. To have experienced those feelings at a young age was a tough watch for both Michael and his colleagues. The saddest part was that he was still in that mindset as a grown man. Michael didn’t need to try hard to be liked. He had a good heart and was funny. But thinking that he needed to be somebody else all the time was the off-putting aspect of his personality.
1. Kelly’s Diets Were Incredibly Dangerous
Season 5, Episodes 1&2, “Weight Loss”
As one of the best-written characters in The Office, Kelly was joyful, funny, and a very watchable character. Her obsession with celebrities and fashion could sometimes get in the way of her work, but she certainly made the Dunder Mifflin office fun.
Underneath her bubbly personality (and perhaps a connection to her love for the famous,) Kelly was concerned about her appearance, and when Scranton enters a weight loss, she went on a dangerous diet, which consisted of drinking lemon, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and water. Creed also sold her a tapeworm, which she ate, hoping it would help her to lose weight. The topic didn’t go into great depth, but it was enough to get a sense of how serious it was.