10 Reasons The Vampire Diaries Is Better Than Twilight

10 Reasons The Vampire Diaries Is Better Than Twilight
10 Reasons The Vampire Diaries Is Better Than Twilight

Although the Twilight Saga is a vital piece of vampire content, the CW’s teen drama The Vampire Diaries is actually a much better alternative.
Despite the fact that Twilight is a well-loved franchise that defined the vampire genre, as it turns out, there is another vampire television series that is actually way better and just as vital: The Vampire Diaries. Twilight is a film franchise adapted from a series of young adult novels written by Stephenie Meyer, while The Vampire Diaries is a TV show, also developed from books, written by L.J. Clark. Both stories follow young women that fall in love with a vampire, and as a result, get sucked into a dangerous world supernatural creatures and evil villains.

While it may seem arbitrary to pit one 2000s vampire franchise against another, the differences between them are actually quite vast and important. Their stories may be similar, but The Vampire Diaries executes the classic vampire romance tale in a much better and thoughtful way than Twilight does. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being a fan of Twilight, and in fact, the franchise is still incredibly impactful to this day. However, for those seeking more vampire content, or want something better than Twilight has to offer, then The Vampire Diaries is the ideal choice.

10 The Vampire Diaries Has Better Writing Than Twilight

One of the most important aspects of a movie or television show is its writing, and undoubtedly, The Vampire Diaries has it better than Twilight. This goes for basic dialogue, but also for bigger elements like plot twists and characters as well. For example, many cringe-worthy Twilight quotes have become memes in recent years due to its strangeness, (i.e. “Bella, where the hell have you been, loca.”) On the other hand, The Vampire Diaries may be melodramatic, but it doesn’t take viewers out of the experience. The Vampire Diaries could be considered addicting to watch while Twilight can be more off-putting and odd.

9 The Vampire Diaries Has More & Better Romances Than Twilight

While many praise Twilight for Bella and Edward’s undying love for each other, in actuality, The Vampire Diaries does romance a bit better. Despite being a show about vampires and werewolves, The Vampire Diaries’ romances have more of a sense of realism than Twilight does, and the show isn’t hyper focused on just one couple. Couples get together, break-up, and overcome challenges, unlike Bella and Edward who have a much more intense and unrealistic connection. The Vampire Diaries’ ability to explore romances outside of Elena and Stefan show that the main pair aren’t the end all be all of love and relationships.

8 The Vampire Diaries’ Love Triangle Is More Complex Than Twilight’s

On the topic of romance, The Vampire Diaries also has a better love triangle than Twilight. Without question, Twilight has an iconic love triangle that sparked a series of 2000s supernatural romances, however, TVD did the trend better by making its love triangle more complicated. Although Bella and Jacob had an interesting connection, audiences always knew that Bella would pick Edward. Plus, Jacob’s refusal to leave Bella alone often felt creepy rather than romantic. Meanwhile, TVD made Elena’s decision between Stefan and Damon much more up in the air, and though Damon is certifiably evil, there were still reasons to root for him besides him being attractive.

7 The Vampire Diaries Has More Dynamic Villains Than Twilight

While Twilight’s powerful Volturi are unforgettable villains, unfortunately, they are yet another plot device that The Vampire Diaries developed just a bit more than Twilight ever did. In TVD, there are a wide range of villains, but the best ones are those that end up being redeemed in some way. For example, both Damon and Klaus are considered villains in the series, however, they end up growing into more complex characters that can’t really be defined as either good or evil. This gray area makes The Vampire Diaries more dynamic than Twilight, which sees most issues in a black or white kind of way.

6 The Vampire Diaries’ Vampire Mythology Is More In Depth Than Twilight

Because The Vampire Diaries had more time to spare than Twilight, it got to explore certain areas much more, and vampire mythology is definitely one of those areas. While Twilight offered some explanations about the powers and weaknesses of vampires and werewolves, TVD unlocks much more lore. The series dove into topics like vampire origins, but more importantly, it focused heavily on the interplay between vampires and other supernatural creatures. Where Twilight stopped with werewolves, The Vampire Diaries kept moving forward with witches and other phenomena. Ultimately, this deep dive into the supernatural made the series more interesting.

5 The Vampire Diaries Has More Action & Gore Than Twilight

The Vampire Diaries is much more exciting than Twilight due to its action scenes. Though the Cullens and Bella often find themselves in danger, the conflicts between the vampires are often bloodless and quick, filled with more dialogue than actual fighting. Meanwhile, TVD has much more violence and gore that makes the series feel a lot more high stakes and thrilling. Twilight’s lack of danger can be summed up by the final film’s finale in which the climactic battle turned out to be all in Alice’s head. Though violence is never the answer, The Vampire Diaries’ action sequences are simply more entertaining.

4 The Vampire Diaries’ Minor Characters Are More Interesting Than Twilight

Twilight and The Vampire Diaries both have pretty full ensembles, however, there is no question about which one is better. The Cullens have the potential to be incredibly interesting, but ultimately, the franchise fails to delve past their surface level personalities. The same cannot be said for The Vampire Diaries. Although Elena is the main character, her friends and peers are often just as interesting as her, with storylines that are equally in-depth. Plus, TVD’s minor characters are likable and long-lasting. They remain in the series for a long time and have romances and experiences that make the audience fall for them.

3 The Vampire Diaries Has More Humor Than Twilight

While both Twilight and The Vampire Diaries could be pinned as melodramatic, the latter allows for quite a bit more humor than the former. Twilight is often defined by its cold blue lighting and overly serious performances, while The Vampire Diaries has a bit more levity. Elena may be stuck between vampire brothers, but she can still laugh and enjoy time with her friends and family. The same cannot really be said for Bella, who has no interest in anyone besides Edward. This coldness makes Twilight less enjoyable than The Vampire Diaries.

2 The Vampire Diaries Elena Is Better Than Twilight’s Bella

When it comes to protagonists, The Vampire Diaries’ Elena is better by a long shot. Though Bella is iconic, she is not really the heroine that most audiences want to be. She is quiet, uninterested, and arguably bland. She has no life outside of Edward. On the other hand, Elena is full of life, and maintains this quality even when she gets sucked into the Salvatores’ drama. The fact that Elena manages to maintain her friendships while in the midst of vampire politics, is not only impressive, but also makes her a better character. Plus, her Katherine identity makes her even more dynamic than Bella.

1 The Vampire Diaries Is Easier To Take Seriously Than Twilight

Overall, The Vampire Diaries and Twilight can both be made into punching bags when compared to more “serious” movies and television, however, TVD is much easier to take seriously than Twilight. The film franchise’s strange dialogue, stylistic choices, and vampire lore makes it feel more like a parody than an actual drama. The sheer fact that Edward Cullen sparkles in the sun is enough to knock Twilight’s integrity. So, while Twilight still maintains a grip of nostalgia on its fans, The Vampire Diaries has a sense of taking itself seriously, which ultimately, makes it the better series.

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