See Andy hanging with his costars, wife and manager on the set of Mayberry.
There’s no doubt that the cast and crew of The Andy Griffith Show got along together like the best of family and friends. There’s no faking the warmth and chemistry seen on the screen.
But just in case you need photo evidence, we have it.
These pictures show the folks of The Andy Griffith getting along as famously as shrimp and grits. We also get a glimpse of some rarely seen people from Andy’s life, like his wife and manager. Let’s take a look!
1 Andy kicks back with a little music – and his wife Barbara by his side.
2 Andy and Barbara Griffith sit on set.
3 Andy and his manager, Richard O. Linke, chat in the jailhouse set.
4 Andy was feeling blue with his musical choices this day.
5 Yep, Andy sure liked to have his guitar nearby at all times.
6 Ron Howard tries on the hat for size.
7 Andy gifts Ron a lift – literally.
8 Ron and Don have a laugh in a squad car.
9 The film crew records a scene with Andy and Barney.
10 Andy and Don hang out on the lot.
11 Gomer gets under the hood.
12 Ron Howard gets his goat.
13 Ron kids around with Karl Swenson, who played Mr. McBeevee.
14 Oooh! Now weren’t those nice?