50 Shades of Grey Movie: The Sexiest Stills and Photos of the Cast
Dornan and Johnson posed in character on an issue cover of Filmax. Dornan stared at the viewer intensely while Johnson cozied up to him innocently. “Jamie and Dakota are getting along very well,” a source told Us Weekly of the stars. “Production is going very smoothly.”

Incredible Love Story
“I just really understand it,” Johnson told EW of the romance in Fifty Shades. “I think it’s an incredible love story, and that’s why it’s affected so many people. Erica [author E.L. James] did a really good job of explaining how that just can happen sometimes and you have this chemical pull to someone.”
“I’ve played a lot of broken people,” Dornan told Interview mag about his character Grey. “Maybe the silences are about the different kinds of vulnerability in all of them.”

No Words!
“They said, ‘You got the offer,’ and I couldn’t speak,” Johnson told EW about being cast as Anastasia Steele. “I was just so relieved. I was crying and crying. Water was literally squirting out of my eyes because I had been so stressed out. And there’s this giant Doberman Pinscher laying on the bed next to me. And he just slowly fell asleep. It was so special and [this dog] didn’t give a f–k about me and what I was going through.”
Hyped-Up Hunk
“The whole thing’s ridiculous,” Dornan told the Guardian of the hype he’s received for his starring role. “It’s just all a bit silly the way it works,” he added, while pausing and reflecting, “I think I could lose my mind.”
“Adding in the sex makes it perfect,” Johnson told EW of the sexy dynamic between her character and Dornan’s Grey. “Sometimes you feel a little bit naughty, and that’s okay.”
“There are a couple of classic knots I know now,” Dornan told the Guardian of his S&M-loving character. “And I’ve put them to good use far too many times recently. In fact I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds.
Taking the Wheel
The studio tweeted its first official still from the movie of Dornan in character on Christian Grey’s birthday, June 18. “Apparently Jamie is great at being soft and hard at the same time,” Screenwriter Kelly Marcel said Dornan’s versatility in the movie, adding that he deserves an award for his performance. “He’s going to get an Oscar!”
Channeling Himself
“I want to keep an element of myself in every character I play,” Dornan told Interview mag of portraying Grey. “And maybe that’s connected to finding something that you like in every character. Maybe they coincide. I get that the job is to make people believe that you’re this guy, and the more you can kind of lose yourself in it … I don’t know what I’m saying.”
Suited Up
“I’m quite awkward in a suit because I don’t have an opportunity to wear a suit very often, and this is a guy who lives in a suit—the best suit,” Dornan told Interview of his character. “That has to have an effect. But when you end up in a suit for 80 percent of the filming process, you become pretty comfortable with it.”