“9-1-1” Season 3, Episode 18 Review: The Cliffhanger We Didn’t See Coming

I feel like this season of 9-1-1 just started, but we’ve already reached the finale.  “What’s Next?”, a very appropriate title in my opinion, left me very excited for next season but also answered some of the viewers’ questions and gave us closure.  Let’s review.

Last week’s episode of 9-1-1 ended with the train crash with Abby on board.  Honestly, while I love Connie Britton, and I loved Abby when she was on during the first season, I didn’t love her return. I’m not mad that Abby fell in love with someone else; I’m mad that she made it seem like she was Buck’s caretaker.  Yes, Abby took care of her mother and she took care of people in need as a 9-1-1 operator, but her relationship with Buck was different.  And the idea that she didn’t want to come back because she’d return to being a caretaker for him is ridiculous.

I am glad that Buck did get some answers about why Abby never came back to him, but I’m happy he can move forward.  He deserves someone who loves him and wants to be in a relationship with him.  I hope next season he can have some romance and have a little more happiness.  This season was brutal for him.

The other story I’m looking forward to is Maddie and Chimney’s baby!  I had a feeling she might be pregnant, and my suspicions were correct.  I love that both Maddie and Chim were so excited and happy about the pregnancy.  They are going to be great parents, and Buck is going to be a wonderful uncle.  I have fallen in love with Maddie and Chimney.  The writers did their relationship right by going slowly and building a friendship and trust.  Relationships on television don’t always need to have drama.  Characters can be happy.

Some questions that 9-1-1 left unanswered are: Will Athena return to the police force?  She definitely went through a traumatic event and needs time to process what happened.  She almost died.  Hopefully, after therapy and some time off she’ll decide to go back.  She’s a badass cop, and I think she show needs her out there taking down dangerous, and sometimes stupid, criminals.

We also don’t know about Hen.  It sounds like she’s made up her mind about going to med school, and she’ll be an awesome doctor.  I just hope she gets to stay on the show somehow.  And finally: What is May thinking about for her future?  She wanted to talk to Maddie about something so I think she either wants to be a nurse or a 9-1-1 operator.  I guess we’ll find out next year.

Other Thoughts:

    • Christopher’s note to Eddie was so cute!  I hope Christopher has a blast at summer camp and Eddie doesn’t miss him too much.
    • Eddie and Buck’s friendship is the best.  I loved that Eddie wanted to make sure Buck was okay after seeing Abby again.
    • I was wondering if Michael was ever going to see that guy from the elevator again.  I’m glad the show decided to bring the elevator guy back so Michael can have a romance.  Especially since it looks like he’s going to be around a while.  His tumor shrank over 30 percent!

Well, I guess that’s it for this season.  I’ve had fun reviewing both 9-1-1 shows this year, and I look forward to seeing what’s store for us next season.  I can’t wait for season four!

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