9-1-1’s Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz have been a beloved duo since the show’s second season — with some fans even hoping their friendship will turn into something more.
Buck and Eddie, portrayed by Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman, respectively, became fast friends after Eddie joined the 118 during season 2. When a massive earthquake rocks Los Angeles during the first days of Eddie’s tenure, Buck drops everything to help ensure the safety of Eddie’s son, Christopher (Gavin McHugh). It’s a moment that Stark thinks cemented the duo’s friendship.
“We [see] Buck driving Eddie at the end of those episodes to go and pick up Christopher,” Stark exclusively explained to Us Weekly in 2022. “And I think that moment in itself was very meaningful. Eddie has a car he could have driven himself, but Buck was obviously wanting to extend an honest branch because of the things that they’ve been through. I think from that moment on it was pretty clear that they were willing to be a part of each other’s lives.”
Throughout the show’s six seasons, the twosome have since continued to show up for each other in both their personal and professional lives, with Buck even becoming a second father figure for Christopher. Their mutual inability to find long-lasting romance has also contributed to speculation that they are destined for more than just friendship.
In season 2, when Eddie struggles to find permanent assistance with taking care of Christopher, who was born with cerebral palsy, Buck introduces him to home aide Carla (Cocoa Brown), and the duo grow closer. Buck’s relationship with Chris also continues to deepen. (That will come back around later.)
A Major Disaster
In the season 3 premiere, Buck refers to Eddie as his “best friend” after he loses Christopher during a tsunami in Santa Monica. Once Chris is found, Buck becomes plagued by the guilt of having lost him in the first place until Eddie assures him that there is “there’s nobody in this world” he trusts with his son more than Buck.
Lawsuit Division
The twosome hit the first major bump in their friendship in season 3 when Buck files a lawsuit against the LAFD after Bobby (Peter Krause) orders him to undertake light duties only while recovering from injuries sustained during the tsunami. They ultimately reconcile in the episode “Monsters” when Eddie realizes that Buck never intended to hurt the 118 with his actions.
When Buck notices Eddie is still acting off, he discovers his friend has been street-fighting in order to cope with his PTSD instead of attending therapy. Buck then invites Eddie and Chris over for pizza and video games in “Fallout,” where Eddie confesses that traditional therapy might not be for him. By the end of the episode, he admits that hanging out with Buck and his son does more for him than any professional help ever could.
A Christmas Trio
A favorite moment for “Buddie” fans, season 3’s “Christmas Spirit” sees Buck crafting a plan so that Eddie can be with Christopher on Christmas Day despite having to work. Buck brings the celebration to the 118, giving them the holiday they had hoped for.
“Christmas Spirit” is the second major holiday episode with the trio, as Buck and Eddie previously took Christopher to see Santa Claus during season 2’s “Ex-Mas.” While they were there, a stranger wrongly assumed that Buck and Eddie were a couple, saying they had an “adorable son.” Buck, however, did not correct the mistake.
Almost Lost
The 15th episode of season 13, “Eddie Begins,” highlights how deeply the duo care for each other. In addition to shining a light on Eddie’s backstory, the episode sees him propelling down into the ground to help save a young boy who is stuck in a pipe. When his cord gets cut 50 feet down, Buck starts to furiously dig with his bare hands into the mud — during a torrential downpour — in order to save him. Just as Buck completely breaks down believing he’s lost his best friend, Eddie appears and is safe.
Another Close Call
Almost exactly one season later, Buck stands in shock after Eddie is shot by a sniper in the season 4 episode “Suspicion.” Buck is forced to watch as his friend bleeds out in front of him and falls into a coma. Buck later breaks down in front of Christopher, who comforts him over his own father. Once Eddie awakens, Eddie tells Buck that if anything were to ever happen to him, he would want Buck to have custody of his son.
“No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you,” Eddie tells him, noting that he drew up the papers almost a year prior. When Buck asks why Eddie is telling him now, Eddie replies, “Because, Evan, you said you wish it had been you that got shot. You act like you’re expendable. But you’re not.” (Hearing Eddie use Buck’s proper first name? Buddie fans, IYKYK.)
Buck Shows Up
Although much of season 5 feels like a bit of a drought for the Buck and Eddie fans, the pair have a major moment in the 13th episode titled “Fear-o-Phobia,” when Eddie’s PTSD causes him to break down. As he destroys his bedroom, Christopher calls Buck, who rushes to Eddie’s side.
Lightning Strikes
The tables are turned in season 6 during “In a Flash” when Eddie watches Buck get struck by lightning. As the doctors scramble to save Buck’s life, Eddie breaks down in tears and screams at them to “do more” to save his best friend.
When Buck ultimately recovers, he returns home to find his new couch uncomfortable — so he heads to Eddie’s house to stay on his couch, instead. (We’re not saying the couch is a metaphor and Buck and Eddie are soulmates, but we’re also not not saying that.)
Another Life
While Buck is in a coma during the season 6 episode “In Another Life,” he imagines what the world would be if he wasn’t at the 118. When we meet the version of Eddie who doesn’t have Buck in his life, he’s become an angry man who recently lost custody of Christopher because he couldn’t handle being a single parent and a firefighter. It’s the butterfly effect of Buck introducing Eddie to Carla in season 2, but, with Buck in his life, Eddie isn’t a single parent either way.
Jealousy, Jealousy
The pair hit a rough patch in season 7, episode 4 when Buck finds himself increasingly envious of Eddie’s newfound friendship with Tommy (Louis Ferrigno Jr.). From shipping himself a basketball at work to get invited to a pickup game to lifting heavy weights without a spotter and dropping hints about his free schedule, Buck continues to spiral over Eddie’s attention. Things take a turn for the worse at a basketball game, where Buck ends up knocking Eddie to the ground and sending him to the hospital.
The final moments of the episode reveal that Buck’s jealousy actually stemmed from wanting to get close to Tommy. While Tommy reciprocates the romantic feelings, Buck is still left having to pick up the pieces after making a mess of his friendship with Eddie.