Gordon Ramsay’s Shocking Menu Advice: The Dish You Should Never Waste Your Money On

Gordon Ramsay recently shared that he’s lucky to be alive following a bike accident this week.

Showing off the extent of his injuries, the famous chef explained that he’d been riding his bike in the US when the accident occurred.

Fortunately he didn’t suffer any broken bones, but Ramsay showed the serious bruises which had occurred and gave thanks to staff at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital for treating his injuries.

Above all he urged all bikers to ‘WEAR A HELMET’, saying that doing so saved his life and the accident ‘really shook’ him.

A helmet might not seem much but it can be the difference between suffering some very nasty bruises and not getting back up from an accident.

Gordon Ramsay recently told people he'd been a particularly nasty bike accident, and credits his helmet with his survival. (Instagram/@gordongram)

Thankfully we’ve still got Ramsay around, and he can continue to drop pearls of wisdom about the fine art of running a restaurant.

One of his major tips was the things to look out for which might let you know that the food you’re getting might not be up to snuff.

The restaurateur previously spoke about his three golden rules for eating in a restaurant, telling diners they ought to be wary of any place which threw around ‘suspicious boasts’ about the quality of their food.

Buzzwords like ‘famous’ or ‘best in the country’ without any further evidence to back them up set the chef’s alarm bells ringing as it always made him wonder: “Who said that? Who named that?”

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