Netflix constructing the Virgin River prequel around Mel’s parents will exponentially increase the character’s connection to the small Northern California town. When season 1 premiered, Virgin River seemed like an escape for Mel that she chose on a whim. Mel’s move from Los Angeles to Virgin River didn’t appear to be a purposeful choice since she explained early on that she had decided to relocate to the small town because of an advertisement. As a result, many believed that Mel’s ties to Virgin River didn’t form until she stepped foot in the city. However, that is no longer true.
Mel’s connection to Virgin River is much stronger than anyone first imagined. Her biological father lives there, as revealed when Everett appeared in Virgin River season 5. Plus, based on the description of the Virgin River sequel, it seems like it was Everett’s birthplace. Mel’s mother fell in love with a man from the town and gave birth to her, so her ties to Virgin River run deep. Consequently, Mel’s newfound complex connection to the city makes the probability of her unknowingly moving to where her father was located much more unlikely.
When viewers learned that Mel’s biological father, Everett, was in Virgin River during the Virgin River Christmas special, the coincidence of him living in the city Mel randomly chose to move to seemed somewhat unbelievable. However, with the knowledge that Everett is from the small Northern California town and Mel’s mother was undoubtedly aware of his place of origin, Mel’s move probably wasn’t an accident. Perhaps Mel ended up in the city for a reason yet to be revealed, and she may have already known of her roots there.
The odds of Mel randomly picking Virgin River, not knowing that her father lived there, are low. The more plausible explanation is that Mel’s arrival in the city in the Virgin River premiere wasn’t an accident, and either she or someone else purposefully intended for her to end up in Virgin River. It seems strange that Mel’s mother wouldn’t tell her about her ties to Virgin River, but only time will tell if the writers just bank on the audience believing Mel’s move was a coincidence or if another twist awaits viewers.