Gordon Ramsay’s Wife Talks About His Support After Miscarriage and Premature Birth

Gordon Ramsay’s Wife Talks About His Support After Miscarriage and Premature Birth

They say you shouldn’t believe everything you see on TV, and for fans who only know Gordon Ramsey as the angry chef who shoves breadcrumbs in the faces of failed chefs and calls them ‘stupid sandwiches’, that’s certainly true. The outspoken and sometimes terrifying reality TV icon is different when it comes to the people he loves, and his wife has shared that side with the world in two new interviews.

In a sit-down with UK media outlet Metro, Tana Ramsey focused on his behaviour following her heartbreaking miscarriage at five months with their fifth child in 2016. Gordon wasn’t just kind, she said, he was “amazing”. At no point did she feel pressured to forget about it or hide her feelings. Unlike others who might have done in his situation, Ramsey has pushed his wife to talk about it all as much or as little as she wants.

“Gordon is amazing, he’s always been the one to talk about things and he’s really good at talking things out with me and never making me feel like, ‘Oh, you know, maybe we shouldn’t talk about it,'” Tana said.

The topic of miscarriage, especially a public miscarriage, can be difficult for some people. It highlights the issue and shows how it affects all families, regardless of fame, fortune or social status. For people whose lives are constantly watched by fans, it can be devastating. However, being honest with fans can also help them cope with their own loss.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend went public about their miscarriages last month. Through photos and even a personal letter to Vogue, they gave the public a glimpse into a very private moment. The selfless act didn’t go unnoticed. It wasn’t just fans who were touched, Tana was too.

“I was very moved and I thought she was amazing,” Ramsey said. “When I read about her situation, I didn’t know everything, but a lot of it certainly sounded very similar to my situation.”

In honor of World Premature Baby Day, Tana also spoke to Hello! about the premature birth of her twins Jack and Holly in 2000. Just like she did on Metro, the mother of five opened up about the difficulties she went through and the role her famous husband, who was the carer for their toddler, played in making things go more smoothly.

“Gordon used to take Megan to see them but it was hard because taking her away again was torture. We almost got into a situation where it would have been easier if he had just focused on her and tried to keep her life stable and good. It was hard because she was only 18 months old, and how do you explain that? ‘You can see your mum and the babies but then you have to go’… Again, it was emotionally taxing,” she explained to Hello!

Since the miscarriage in 2016, Tana and Gordon have welcomed son Oscar James, who is now 19 months old. The family remains strong and united. The support they give each other seems to have played a big part and shows that, when they come together, there is nothing they can’t overcome.

Tana touched on this sensitive topic to shed light on some of the initiatives that are helping premature babies and their families, especially since access to hospitals is currently limited due to the pandemic. She is a supporter of the #PampersForPreemies campaign along with the charity Bliss and a secure in-hospital video messaging service called vCreate.

For anyone looking for support and information for those affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy, you can visit the Miscarriage Association website. For information for those affected by premature or sick babies, you can visit the Bliss website.

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