BREAKING NEWS: 9-1-1 Season 7 Deleted Scene Reveals Tommy’s ‘Intentions’ With Buck

Buck and Tommy’s relationship has proven to be one of 9-1-1‘s most exciting developments in recent memory, so fans are understandably eager to see what the future holds for the new couple. And who better to grill Tommy about his feelings for Buck than the show’s only other established same-sex pairing?

ABC has shared a deleted scene from the season’s penultimate episode, which finds Hen and Karen confronting Tommy at the 118’s Medal of Valor ceremony. Following a brief misunderstanding about cake, they ask him point-blank whether his intentions with Buck are “honorable.”

“We are taking it very slow,” he tells the protective mama bears. “In fact, I’m letting him set the pace and I’m just trying to keep up.”

Watch the trio’s deleted interaction below:

After making sporadic appearances over the years, Tommy (Lou Ferrigno Jr.) returned to 9-1-1 in Season 7 to help rescue Bobby and Athena from their nightmare of a honeymoon cruise. Tommy and Buck (Oliver Stark) had their first kiss on April 4, launching an exciting new journey for the fan-favorite first responder.

“There have been crumbs for years and years,” Stark told TVLine of Buck realizing and accepting that he’s bisexual. “If you look back … I think that the thread is there throughout. So coming to this moment now is really exciting and deserved and earned.”

Three days after their first kiss aired, Stark clapped back at “fans” who took issue with Buck’s bisexual awakening, making himself loud and clear in an Instagram story: “If one other character finding a new facet to his sexuality and [realizing] his bisexuality is your deal breaker, I fear you’ve missed the entire point of the show,” he wrote on April 7. “You are not required to announce your departure.”

After a disastrous first date, Tommy accepted Buck’s invitation to Maddie’s wedding, where they inadvertently revealed their relationship to the rest of the 118 by way of a smoky kiss. More kisses are sure to come when 9-1-1 returns for Season 8 this fall.

Hit PLAY on the video above to watch Hen and Karen grill Tommy about his relationship with Buck, then drop a comment with your thoughts on the deleted scene below.

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