Gordon Ramsay Reveals the Brutal Parenting Rules His Kids Must Follow — or Face the Consequences

Gordon Ramsay Reveals the Brutal Parenting Rules His Kids Must Follow — or Face the Consequences

Gordon Ramsay has become famous for his fiery temper and serious attitude in the kitchen. His strict personality has been showcased in Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares. Despite his temper in the kitchen, Chef Ramsay is a loving father to his five children and has impressed many fans with the strange parenting rules he enforces with his wife, Tana.

We’d love to hear more about the celebrity chef’s parenting style, and we bet you’ll have some ideas to share in the comments.

Ramsay’s kids could settle into a similar life to their dad, working at one of his restaurants. But Gordon Ramsay insists he wants his kids to work for another chef.

In an interview, Gordon admitted, “I’m tough, I’m fair, and I’m going to give my kids everything I have to get them to the top. And that’s it. I get a lot of criticism for being straightforward and honest, but I’m not worried about the snowflake generation.”

He then added, “It’s like not hiring kids. I don’t want people to think, ‘That’s Ramsay’s kid, we can’t tell them.’ You want to work in this business? You go to another chef, learn something different, and come back with something new to improve the business.”

Gordon Ramsay is worth $220 million, but that doesn’t mean his children can sit back and benefit from his wealth when he dies.

“They’re definitely not going to get that money, and not in a bad way; it’s not going to spoil them,” he revealed in his interview. “The only thing I agreed with Tana on was that they would get a 25 percent deposit on a flat, but not the whole flat,” he continued.

Instead, Ramsay will likely leave the proceeds to some of the charities he supports.

A strict but fair father, Ramsay revealed that his children do not travel first class with him and his wife when they go on vacation. “They don’t sit with us in first class,” he said. “They haven’t worked hard enough to afford that. At their age, at their size, you’re telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they don’t. We’re really strict about that.”

He later defended his choice, saying, “I have to be realistic with the kids. And I also think that just getting kids 5, 6 and 7 used to first class and those big seats, they don’t need space, they’ll be entertained on their iPads.”
Chef Ramsay is incredibly passionate about the food he cooks and tries to instill in his kids a refined attitude towards meals. Some things are off-limits in this household, and one of them, in particular, is vegetarianism.

He once said, “My biggest nightmare is if my kids come to me and say, ‘Daddy, I’m a vegetarian.'”
This may seem completely out of character for Ramsay, given that the chef loves to swear, but the Ramsay kids are not allowed to swear.

The chef once said, “Swearing is the language of the industry. As long as we’re alive, that’s not going to change. You have to be loud to get results. They know I say bad words. I say that’s the language of the industry. They don’t swear.”

Ramsay and his wife don’t push their kids to get top marks in all their school exams. The parents recognize that each child has different strengths — in Ramsay’s case, cooking.

Ramsay explains his perspective, “I don’t agree with everyone being judged by one exam. It bothers me because the pressure on kids these days is ridiculous. I didn’t peak at 15, and I certainly didn’t peak at 12, and I certainly didn’t peak at 18.”

He adds, speaking of his own experience, “I wasn’t good at school, but I was a great cook. And so I’m grateful for the way I was pushed, and I think pushing yourself from the age of 11 is important.”

Which of Gordon Ramsay’s parenting rules do you remember and do you apply to your own family? Which rule would you never apply to your own children and why?

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