Fuller House Season 3 Episode 04: My Little Hickey

The Fuller House episode “S03E04 My Little Hickey” is filled with humor and heartwarming situations, especially when the characters face challenges in their personal lives. Here is the detailed summary:

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“My Little Hickey” episode summary

The episode begins with a fun scene at the Fuller family home. D.J. Fuller, the mother of three children and the main character, is getting ready for a date with a man named Matt. While D.J. is busy with her makeup and hair, her three children, Jackson, Max, and Tommy, are busy with their activities.

The first scene is a bit chaotic when Jackson and Max argue about a video game they are playing. D.J. has to intervene to resolve the conflict and then continues to prepare for his evening. She is looking forward to her date with Matt, as he is a polite and lovely person she has met recently.

Meanwhile, D.J.’s best friend Kimmy Gibbler also shows up and helps her get ready for the evening. Kimmy always has a way of making things fun, and she gives D.J. lots of funny and quirky advice before they go out.

As D.J. and Kimmy get ready to go out, Max and Jackson discover that Tommy has a strange mark on his neck – a small bruise that Max calls a “hickey”. The kids start to worry and are confused, and they decide to find out what caused the bruise. Jackson and Max start to speculate and come up with various reasons for the bruise, from Tommy being bitten by an insect to someone doing this to him.

While the kids are trying to solve this mystery, D.J. goes out on a date with Matt. However, the date does not go as smoothly as expected. D.J. feels stressed and anxious about not being able to find a balance between her personal life and her role as a mother. Matt notices this and tries to make D.J. feel more comfortable, but he also feels a distance between them.

On the Fuller side, the kids finally decide to ask their grandmother Becky about Tommy’s bruise. Becky, always humorous and intelligent, helps explain that the bruise is just a normal sign of a minor bump, and nothing to worry about. She also helps the kids understand that sometimes small things can become part of larger situations that they may not immediately understand.

When D.J. returns home, she realizes that she has let her worries about the date take away from the fun and quality time with her family. She regrets not spending more time with her children and thanks Kimmy and Becky for their support.

Finally, the episode ends with a heartwarming scene at the Fuller household. D.J. sits with her children and together, they discuss the events of the day. D.J. realizes that while life can be full of challenges and stress, family is always a place where she can find support and joy. She feels grateful for the support of her friends and family and decides that she will try to keep her family happy and joyful, despite the personal difficulties she may face.

The episode ends with a smile and a positive message about the importance of family and supporting each other during difficult times.

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