The 10 Best Characters in ‘The Office,’ Ranked

To this day, The Office continues to maintain a passionate and dedicated fan base. The show is considered one of the most rewatchable shows of the 2000s, due primarily to its sharp humor, its quirky working environment, and its vivid cast of characters. Over the course of its 9 seasons, The Office had a rotating cast of characters, with some leaving, some new ones joining, and a core group staying the same throughout the show’s run. From Dwight Schrute keeping a secret stash of weapons at Dunder Mifflin to Michael Scott burning his foot on a George Foreman grill, the characters had a lot of memorable moments.

Among the many characters of The Office, including those who worked at Dunder Mifflin and those who did not, there were many who were funny and cleverly written. Depending on the barometer for judging these characters, various ones shine above the rest. Some are funnier than others, and some are far more likable than others. Of all of these characters, 10 stand out among the others as the true best. These characters are unique and funny, and they are characters without whom The Office would not have been the same show.

10.Creed Bratton

Played by Creed Bratton

A bloody Creed Bratton on The Office 
Image via NBC.

Although he didn’t have as many lines as many of the other employees of Dunder Mifflin, Creed Bratton (Creed Bratton) always stood out as a bizarrely funny and fascinating character. Creed was always there existing in the background, occasionally dropping a disturbing one-liner or a surprising and strange fact about himself. Very little was known about Creed as a character, so every little fact about him that was revealed added to the intrigue of this character and the running joke of his secret life.

Throughout the run of The Office, more and more odd little tidbits about Creed were revealed, like that he was very passionate about scuba diving, and that he was a drug dealer. Additionally, Creed claimed to have a daughter, and he had a second identity to which he transferred his debts. At one point in the show, Creed wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel. Creed had also been involved in cults, had a Swiss passport, and might have been The Scranton Strangler. As the characters of The Office go, Creed is so unique and integral to the goofy environment of Dundler Mifflin.

9.Erin Hannon

Played by Ellie Kemper

Image via NBC.

Introduced in Season 5, Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) quickly and seamlessly became a very important part of Dunder Mifflin. Erin was endearingly kind and believing of others, sometimes to the point of being naive. Erin was very honest about her feelings and always wore her heart on her sleeve. This led to a lot of sweet and lovely moments, but also some funnier ones where she was unkindly blunt, like when she wished that Andy Bernard’s girlfriend would die.

Because of her warm nature and her enthusiasm, Erin made some lovely close bonds with other characters on the show, including Andy, Michael Scott, and Kelly Kapoor. Erin was up for anything, like when she just jumped into planking, and when she was eager and willing to make a music video with Kelly. She also had a really sweet family plot line in which she reconnected with her biological parents in the series finale of T he Office. Although she was only in a little more than half the show, Erin made quite an impact.

8.Oscar Martinez

Played by Oscar Nuñez

Oscar Martinez sitting at his desk, looking at his computer
Image via NBC

Oscar Martinez (Oscar Nuñez) was one of the least quirky and most normal characters working at Dunder Mifflin. Rather than make him unremarkable, instead, it was this role as the rational one that made Oscar so hilarious and relatable. Oscar was often the one reacting to these absurd situations. Because he worked in accounting, Oscar often had to rein in Michael’s spending habits. Oscar could sometimes be a know-it-all, and his coworkers even called him “Actually” because he was always interrupting their conversations to correct them.

Oscar being very intelligent and opinionated, meant that he always had the funniest reactions to and comments on the things that were going on at Dunder Mifflin. Oscar had great dynamics with many of the other characters on the show, and he ended up developing a surprising and wonderful friendship with Angela Martin that led to them being a great comedic duo, even when they were seeing the same man. Oscar was a very crucial part of The Office and a great character.

7.Kevin Malone

Played by Brian Baumgartner

In many ways, Kevin Malone was the heart of The Office, and he was one of the funniest characters on the show. Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) always seemed to be a little bit behind the rest of the employees about what was going on, and he was not usually in the know. Kevin often got the wrong idea about things and had some goofy and endearingly-confused one-liners. For example, when Michael announced to the office that he and Holly Flax would be moving to Colorado, Kevin responded, “All of us?” Kevin is probably best remembered for his famous chili that he made for everyone at the office, and that he unfortunately dropped. Kevin didn’t take much seriously, but he worked very hard on that chili, from dicing the tomatoes, to pressing the garlic, to even toasting his own chiles.

Kevin was silly and often out of the loop, but he also had a big heart. Kevin’s only real responsibility at Dunder Mifflin was shredding the company documents, and he hilariously loved doing it. Kevin was also a drummer in a band. Kevin was such a great character because he usually meant well, but he almost always somehow found a way to sincerely misunderstand either the conversation or the task at hand. He was always a standout in all of his episodes.

6.Andy Bernard

Played by Ed Helms

Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) at his manager desk in The Office
Image via NBC.

Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) was first introduced at the start of Season 3 as an annoyance to Jim Halpert at Dunder Mifflin’s Stamford Branch. Throughout Andy’s time on the show, though, Andy became a really special character. He was over-enthusiastic, desperate for approval, and always talking about his time in college. He also developed some really special relationships with the other characters and became a hilarious and important part of the show.

Except for Andy’s abysmal and out-of-character behavior in Season 9, he was the sort of character that fans unexpectedly grew to like. There was something about his sincerity that was endearing and likable. He could at times be the cause of secondhand embarrassment, and he often let his enthusiasm and hopeful mindset get away from him. He ended up having some really great stories and a beautiful final quote in the series finale: “I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you left them.”

5.Jim Halpert

Played by John Krasinski

Jim Halpert from The Office sitting at his desk
Image via NBC.

Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) is best-known for his exasperated looks into the camera, his pranks on Dwight Schrute, and his epic romance with Pam Beesly. It was details like these that made Jim such a special character. What was central to Jim was his strong dynamics and unique relationships with everyone at Dundler Mifflin. There was his annoyance of but occasional fondness for Michael and Andy, and the time that he ended up on the other end of Kelly’s gossip.

Jim is a fan favorite among those who love The Office. However, Jim Halpert was also disliked by some fans of the show as well, due to his pranks on Dwight that bordered on cruel, and how at times he could be selfish in his relationships. It is this nuance that made Jim such a great character. Jim was a really great character to pair with the others because he was a “normal” guy, and almost the stand-in for the audience, because he typically did not engage in the same behaviors as many of the other characters. He also had a lovely relationship with Pam, from his seasons of pining after her, to his trying to move on from her, to their years in a relationship. He even wrote her the loveliest note in the teapot, which will forever be remembered by the show’s fans.

4.Pam Beesly

Played by Jenna Fischer

Jenna Fischer as Pam in The Office sitting at her desk in a pink sweater
Image via NBC

Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) had some of the most heartwarming moments of the whole show, from her romance with Jim to her art show with Michael. Her character arc was really strong, and it was amazing to watch her rise up in the company and devote more time to her art. Pam was a funny character with great reactions and the occasional funny one-liner. She could make any funny scene laugh-out-loud hysterical with a horrified or knowing look.

Pam shines in some of The Office‘s funniest episodes, like Season 4, Episode 13, “Dinner Party,” and Season 6, Episode 1, “Rumors”. In “Dinner Party,” Pam was dismayed about being trapped into attending Michael’s dinner party. This was only worsened by the fact that Jan believed that Pam and Michael had dated, so she had this animosity towards Pam. Pam’s reactions were very funny and relatable, like when she genuinely wondered if Jan had poisoned her, and when she said that all she wanted was to eat. She played off of more eccentric characters like Michael very well, because, like Jim, Pam was constantly reacting to their antics. Pam also had her funny and iconic moments, like when she got drunk at the Dundies and gave an acceptance speech. She was a great character who continues to be special to the show.

3.Dwight Schrute

Played by Rainn Wilson

Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), in a shirt and tie, works at a computer in The Office.
Image via NBC.

Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) was truly a well-written and unique character all around, from his eccentric family’s beet farm to how seriously he took everything in his life, from his job to his relationships. Dwight was quite an oddball and a very funny character, with his goofy habits and rituals, and his absolute devotion to Michael and desire for Michael’s approval and attention. One of Dwight’s best scenes was in Season 5, Episode 14, “Stress Relief Part 1,” when he decided to take things up a notch after nobody in the office listened to his fire safety talk. He then intentionally started an actual fire at Dunder Mifflin, terrifying and endangering everyone there.

Additionally, while learning first-aid techniques, Dwight ended up cutting off the dummy’s face and wearing it. Dwight also had a collection of wig replicas of the hair of each person working at Dunder Mifflin. Dwight also had some really great and quotable lines throughout The Office, like, “Now, if I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls, so you couldn’t hear the other dead people.” Dwight was most memorable for so passionately and seriously getting into things and for his unique and fascinating relationships. He developed meaningful friendships, such as his friendship with Pam, and his on-and-off romance with Angela.

2.Kelly Kapoor

Played by Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling as Kelly Kapoor in a confessional on The Office.
Image via NBC.

To this day, Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) is the most underrated character on The Office. Sure, fans often reflect on the hit that the show took when Michael left, but it also took a huge hit without Kelly. Kelly was funny, passionate, and always somehow involved in drama. She had her wild on-again-off-again relationship with Ryan Howard, her love for celebrity gossip and really just all gossip, and her snappy one-liners.

Some of The Office’s best lines belong to Kelly Kapoor, such as when she calls out Ryan about their past relationship in front of the entire office (“Ryan used me as an object”). Another great moment was when Kelly argued in an interview as to why managing her one-person department was a lot of work. Kelly always said what was on her mind, and was constantly expressing her opinions and her feelings. She was a wonderfully unique and funny character, and she does not get enough credit.

1.Michael Scott

Played by Steve Carell

Nobody else could be in this spot aside from one of television’s most iconic bosses ever. Michael Scott (Steve Carell). Michael made The Office what it was, with all of his wacky and occasionally endearing attempts to make things at Dunder Mifflin special with The Dundies and the many office parties. Michael was a very memorable character through his funny and clever quotes, like, “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” The best thing about Michael, though, was his big heart.

Michael was hilarious, but he was also deeply caring. He loved his employees, often too much, and was constantly trying to win them over, especially in comedic ways, like his obsession with Ryan and how he tricked Jim and Pam into a dinner party. Michael always did everything way too big, which made for great comedy and great emotional scenes. He really was a special character that made The Office so timeless.

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