The latest news regarding The Conners revolves around the announcement of its seventh and final season, confirmed by ABC in May 2024. This season will wrap up the storylines that have been developed throughout the show’s run, following the Conner family as they continue navigating life without Roseanne. This renewal comes after the show celebrated its 100th episode and it’s expected to give the series a heartfelt conclusion.
Original stars, including John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, and Lecy Goranson, will reprise their roles, while the show will also feature various guest stars and recurring characters as it prepares to say goodbye. The series has had multiple surprises over the years, including the departure of some actors, but it’s clear that fans can expect a fulfilling conclusion to the Conner family’s journey.
As The Conners heads toward its final season, viewers are curious to see how the remaining episodes will handle the long-running themes of family and resilience