Does Bella’s dad know she’s a vampire?

Does Bella’s dad know she’s a vampire?

New Moon begins with Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) 18th birthday. All is well until Bella goes to Edward Cullen’s house for a birthday dinner party. Edward and his family are vampires. When a drop of Bella’s blood from a paper cut falls on the floor , Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) loses control and attacks Bella. Several members of the Cullen family must hold Jasper back. To protect Bella from the dangers of vampire life, Edward and his family leave the town of Forks. Edward vows never to see Bella again .

A heartbroken Bella falls into depression that lasts for months. But she discovers that when she puts herself in danger, a ghost-like image of Edward appears and begs her to be safe. Desperate to make contact with Edward, Bella comes up with a risky plans and asks her childhood friend Jacob Black (Taylor Launter) for help. Before long, romance blossoms between Bella and Jacob. But the budding romance is short lived when dormant genes in Jacob come to life and he starts changing into a werewolf.

Bella puts herself in danger by jumping off a high cliff into the ocean, but Jacob rescues her from drowning. This causes Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene) to mistakenly foresee Bella’s death, which she then tells Edward about. Thinking Bella is dead, Edward wants to die too. He goes to Italy and begs the Volturi (vampire aristocracy) to kill him. The Volturi refuses Edward’s requests.
Although New Moon contains some violence, blood and gore are kept to a minimum. Examples of violence in the movie include the following:

There is a radio report about some hikers who have gone missing and are presumed dead. We hear that other campers have been attacked and killed by a large bear-like creature.
Edward talks about how he envies humans’ ability to commit suicide, and gives the example of poison or a dagger to the heart of his.
Several vampires restrain another vampire. One of the vampires grabs hold of the restrained vampire’s face. He twists and pulls the vampire’s head off while the other vampires rip the arms off. As the vampire is pulled apart, he appears to turn to stone and crumble to dust. There is no blood and gore.
A vampire is known to be seeking revenge against Edward, intending to kill him.
When Bella cuts her finger, Jasper lunges at her.
Edward knocks Bella out of the way. She flies through the air, crashing down on a table and smashing glass. She gashes her arm, and the cut bleeds a lot.
A fight breaks out between Edward and Jasper. Edward throws Jasper across the room and against a piano, which crashes to the ground. Several other vampires eventually subdue Jasper and drag him from the room.
A man removes pieces of bloody glass from the wound on Bella’s arm and places the pieces of glass in a bowl full of blood-stained water. He stitches up the wound, puts the bloody bandages in a bowl, and burns them.
In a flashback image from the first Twilight movie, a vampire bites into Bella’s wrist and blood pours from the wound. We see the scar that remains.
Bella rides a trail bike recklessly and crashes it. She flips over the handle bars and hits her head on a rock. She ends up with a bloody gash on her head and blood running down her forehead.
A vampire threatens to kill Bella, telling her that she is ‘mouth watering’. The vampire tells Bella that another vampire wants to kill her slowly, but that he will do it quickly.
Several werewolves chase after a vampire. The vampire backhands one of the werewolves, and the werewolf is thrown through the air.
Bella slaps a man across the face of her. He gets angry, changes into a werewolf, and lunges at her. A second man changes into a werewolf and attacks the first werewolf. They snarl and tumble across the ground.
A female vampire drops from a forest tree onto a man. She picks him up by the neck and holds him. A werewolf tackles the vampire and forces her to drop the man, who crumples to the ground. The woman runs away, chased by four werewolves. She escapes by jumping into the sea.

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