‘Twilight’ saga comes to an end at Movie Mill

‘Twilight’ saga comes to an end at Movie Mill

We have come to the finale of the film franchise for the “Twilight” series with the fifth in the franchise, “Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2.”

As with the entire series of films, the base cast remains the same and the “love story” between Bella and Edward Cullen is brought to the end of the series.

This film is the culmination of the other four and brings about a big battle between the factions of the vampire world as it were and the worldwide group of vampires is basically forced to take sides in the big battle between the Voltari and the Cullen Coven and their allies.

The epic battle even forces the “Shape Shifters” of a local Native American tribe to choose sides and of course they choose the Cullen Coven as do a lot of independent thinking vampires who are tired of the totalitarian rule of the Voltari.
The entire series, as in the beginning, is built around the love between Bella and Edward and this is brought forward as the pair is married and eventually she becomes pregnant and the end result is that Bella has to be turned or recruited into a vampire herself to save her life when the unborn child begins feeding on Bella from inside the womb.

It is all very emotional and traumatic in its presentation, but the film, much like the four before it, all are filmed in a very beautiful setting and the cinematography is quite good.

Of course the special effects are pretty phenomenal as well as the special powers that the vampires have are shown in great detail and the transformation into large wolves or werewolves as you would believe the shape shifters are is quite believable.

You have to keep in mind that this is a love story first and foremost and the rest is just dressing on the screen to keep us all involved.

The story, based upon the four-novel collection by Stephanie Meyer, based upon a series of dreams that she had (her own story as it were) was quite the commercial success as the books sold millions of copies and the films grossed nearly $3.5 billion dollars in all and that is a great big number, even in these days of big numbers from the box office.

It’s definitely worth a look, especially if you have seen any of the previous four films, just so you can see how it all turns out.

This franchise has spawned the careers of a couple of well known actors, specifically Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, who have been contracted to a number of other movies since they became involved in the “Twilight” series.
Stewart, who was somewhat acclaimed before “Twilight,” has only gotten better reviews and more films lined up and is definitely one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood today. Pattinson has parlayed his role as Edward into a number of high profile films as Well.

This movie will begin showing at the Blackfoot Movie Mill today and is worth the discounted price, especially if you are a fan of the franchise in any way, shape or form.

As always, we encourage you to visit their website at www.royaltheaters.com to make sure of showtimes and seating availability. You can also pre-pay to ensure that you have a seat.

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