Chef Gordon Ramsay Likes Late-Night Baked Beans, Is Allergic to the Word ‘Paleo’

Chef Gordon Ramsay Likes Late-Night Baked Beans, Is Allergic to the Word ‘Paleo’

For a man with many opinions, chef Gordon Ramsay remains, in many ways, an enigma. In between hosting dinner at Vegas Uncork’d and greeting diners at his restaurant at Caesars Palace, Ramsay found a few minutes for a rapid-fire Q&A with Bon Appétit. We asked our most burning (and very important) questions: What’s his favorite curse word to use in the kitchen? How does he feel about kale salads? Read on to find out.

What would you cook her?
I would say something authentic, rich, and a sauce that had been doused with lots of red wine. Like a braised short rib, because she’s of that era—of that age—that she understands fine food.

Best midnight snack?
That would be baked beans. Chili flakes, garlic, Tabasco sauce, hot sauce. Sourdough bread—grilled—baked beans on top, with a duck egg, covered with Parmesan and gratinated under the grill.

How do you feel about kale salads?
I turned my nose up against them for the first six months, but then my wife got my kids—Holly, Megan, Matilda, and Jack—to eat them, so I was the odd one out at the table. I’ve now changed to kale chips to snack on, rather than chocolate.

RapidFire QA with Gordon Ramsay Bon Apptit
Tell me how to cook the perfect steak.
Let’s take a New York Strip. First of all, it’s got to come out of the fridge about 15-20 minutes before you cook it. Get it up to room temperature, then very carefully take your pulse [on your wrist]. The touchback—that texture is exactly how it should feel when medium-rare. Get the pan piping hot and don’t put any oil into it until that pan is smoking. Liberally season the meat, rub it with oil, and put that into the pan. Don’t oil the pan; just the marinated steak. Two and a half minutes each side, take it out and let it rest. And don’t cut it until it’s just started to cool down.
Who was it?
My 13 year-old daughter, Matilda. Last week was the debut of her CBBC series, and she was crying because she didn’t think the burger looked as good as it should have. And I said, “That is absolutely ridiculous because it tastes amazing.” It’s a burger; they’re not supposed to look glamorous. That brought tears to my eyes; she cared so much about the burger and the garnish. It was a vegetarian burger; a big flat-cap mushroom burger stuffed with cheese, and the camera caught it the wrong way, and she was mortified. For anyone to be that precious at 13 about food…I was very proud of her.

Would you rather be a waiter or a dishwasher?
I’d rather be a dishwasher. Less bullsh*t to face.

Chef whose style of cooking you really dig?
Michael Voltaggio, Ink. Incredible.

Worst thing about being a chef is…
Every time I go out for dinner, my table gets flooded with 20 courses, so I feel like a goose. I’m stuffed. Grateful for it, but sometimes I just want to sit in the corner of a restaurant and eat two courses. If I don’t taste it, it looks rude. If I eat it, they want feedback. I want to go out to restaurants and not give feedback, keep my mouth shut and enjoy.

Best thing about being a chef is…
The image of a chef is far greater than ever before. Chefs today are more stylish, and that’s exciting. But I’ve got no tattoos.

What spring ingredient are you most excited to cook with this year?
It would be Pyrenees lamb. I fly back to London on Tuesday night to film the finale of MasterChef Junior. We’re wrapping, then I’m off the following weekend for a trip to the Pyrenees to look at these amazing lamb. Young lamb, which will be on our spring menu at the Chelsea Flower Show in May.

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