Eclipse Soundtrack with movie scenes

Eclipse Soundtrack with movie scenes

For those who feel that knowing anything about Eclipse will spoil the movie, please do not read any of the following. It may contain SPOILERS.

I got to watch Eclipse again for work and I tried to remember where all the songs were placed in the movie. I don’t remember all of the track placements unfortunately because I was a little…ummm…distracted by teh pretteh, iykwim. I obviously won’t have all scene screenshots or quotes (except for those already available online). I couldn’t remember that much information all at the same time. I know. I’m sorry. Sorry.

Anyhow, without further ado, here is what I remember of the listings.

TRACK 1: Eclipse (All of You) by Metric
Various scenes during the movie. It’s the overall theme. There is an instrumental piano version of it in the initial meadow scene. It also plays while Bella is Renee visiting in Jacksonville. And it’s the first song to play during the end credits.

TRACK 2: Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) by Muse
The 2nd song to play during the graduation party at the Cullen House. Jessica & Angela leave Bella because Angela mentions that she loves this song. “Ooh! I love this song!”

TRACK 3: Ours by The Bravery
First song playing in the house during the graduation party at the Cullen House as Bella walks into the house and is met by Jessica and Angela. “What did you think of my speech? Too easy breezy? Too self-helpful? You hated it?”

TRACK 4: Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
2nd song during the End Credits

TRACK 5: My Love by Sia
Leg hitch scene on the bed in Edward’s room and the proposal acceptance.

TRACK 6: Atlas by FanFarlo
Song is playing in the car as Edward is driving to the border of the reservation to drop Bella off. Right before the famous “Doesn’t he own a shirt?” scene. scene. It plays very, very quickly maybe a total of 2 or 3 seconds right before Bella & Edward pull up in the Volvo.

TRACK 7: Chop and Change by The Black Keys
[SCENE] The beginning of the movie as the Summit logo appears and up until Riley leaves the bar in Seattle.

TRACK 8: Rolling In On A Buring Tire by The Dead Weather
[SCENE] Riley & Victoria talk about when Victoria will join the army against the Cullens and Victoria reassures Riley of her love.

TRACK 9: Let’s Get Lost by Beck and Bat For Lashes
[SCENE] After Charlie tells Bella her grounding is lifted if she uses her “newfound freedom to hang out with her other friends”, there is a montage of Bella is trying to get a hold of Jake, ending when she reads his letter to her .

TRACK 10: Jonathan Low by Vampire Weekend
[SCENE] Bella rides off with Jake after Jake is introduced for the first time in the movie, and he reveals that Victoria was in Forks while she and Edward were in Jacksonville

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