An unbiased Man’s look at The Twilight Saga: New Moon

An unbiased Man’s look at The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Let me preface this by saying I am just reviewing this movie based soully on the two movies alone. I am leaving out all the hype and books, it’s a movie it should be able to stand on its own outside of fandom and whatever it is based on. With that said, lets us begin….

There is one nagging thing that I kept thinking about in the whole time I was watching this movie that all reviewers failed to mention. There is a stupid fake movie that the pre-adult teens go see in Twilight 2: New Moon called Face Punch, and that movie sounds amazing. I hope someone goes on to make that movie.

Another big thing I was surprised to see no one mention before was Anna Kendrick’s rant about how terrible Zombie movies are. Where most reviews feel the need to get all mad about how the Vampires glisten and how that’s not how vampires work, no one is going to call this scene out? Either that or everyone heard what she said an agreed with her? It was kind of like a big F-U to haters which was funny.

The movie as a whole was actually very satisfying to me, I had no interest in seeing this movie, but my wife did and I’ve dragged her to enough dreck that I owed her one. I saw the first one of VHS and it was terrible at best, cheesy and not well put together, I’m not a big fan of Catherine Hardwicke’s other movies though. Twilight 2 has its moments of cheese but they are usually just a line or a quick scene, nothing like the god awful Baseball montage set to Muse from the first one.

Chris Weitz on the other hand is a half decent director up until his last movie The Polar Compass, where he came out and quit the movie for a while because he couldn’t handle the special effects in the movie. Low and behold he get’s an Oscar for best visual effects for using outdated Coke Cola commercial technology. This is a much better movie then that mess, the movie is a mess but I do not think that was his fault.

At the end of the movie I left having had a good time, I was never bored and while feeling a bit emasculated by the whole thing I actually wouldn’t mind seeing the third one. See the thing is, this is a chick flick through and through but something happened before the movie to show me why this is on the higher end of chick flicks, I saw the trailers for Dear John, Letters to Juliet and Remember Me, which all look like awful chick bait about longing for love. Two of those stars Amanda Seyfried and are about letters, Mama Mia was about letters, Jennifer’s Body was about letters (whatever I didn’t see it, neither did you so who really knows what it was about) so its good to see Amanda Seyfried does not believe in e-mail, while Twilight 2: New Moon has a large section involving e-mail. Those movies while maybe ending up to be great love stories just looked SO boring and lame and aiming to be the next Notebook it was sad.

Also there are a couple of action scenes in Twilight 2 that were quite a bit of fun. There is a Werewolf fight that was just as much fun as the Polar Bear fight in Polar Compass, and a Werewolf/Vampire chase through the woods that was actually really good and interestingly shot in combination with the music. A fight between Edward and some guy who looks like Chris Klein on roids that was like no other fight I’d seen before, it was like how the final fight in Wolverine should have been. Something those other movies certainly will not offer.

The basic story of the movie is Edward the Vampire leaves Bella after an incident (you know the one with the paper cut, which is another cool scene) so he thinks he is doing right by leaving, but she goes into withdrawal once he leaves. Now these scenes were intentionally/unintentionally funny, she screams at night like she’s a junkie with heroine withdrawal. Her dad pops in time to time to wonder what the hell is up, at one point says he’s too lazy to deal with his daughter and tries to pawn her off on her mom, but Bella doesn’t want to leave in fear of Edward not finding her. So in trying to move on in her life comes along young Jacob. They point out how old Bella is getting compared to the handsome gentlemen around her which was stupid. She and Jacob become close friends when UH OH he’s a monster too, who doesn’t know how to deal with his relationship with Bella.

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