Are these lines actually from The Andy Griffith Show?

On The Andy Griffith Show, jokes were set aside so the characters would shine, and as the show wore on, we all got used to the funny way these Mayberry folks had of expressing themselves.

Between catchphrases, familiar phrasing and memorable episodes, we think any Andy fan will be able to discern which lines below came from The Andy Griffith Show and which ones are torn from another TV series.

Only the biggest Andy Griffith fans will be able to walk away with proof they know what they’re talking about when it comes to his 1960s show. Good luck!

1 “Jail is no place for a little boy to be hanging around.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

2 “Cage sure looks awful empty, don’t it, paw?” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

3 “I’ll have no Yankee talk in my kitchen!” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

4 “Juanita, Juanita, lovely, dear Juanite, from your head down to your feet, there is nothing half so sweet.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

5 “Aw, honey, I don’t care anything about that new dancer.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

6 “Why do you want to irritate your corn?” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

7 “Gee, Dad, I have enough trouble keeping myself good without keeping all the other kids good.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

8 “We’re just plain simple men fighting organized crime with raw courage.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

9 “I went to get some pickles, and did you know they’re all gone?” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

10 “You sure you don’t want to make that 4 cents; it’s tax deductible, you know.” Is this line from The Andy Griffith Show?

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