The casts of 9-1-1 and Jury Duty faced off in the latest episode of Celebrity Family Feud, and we have to admit, at the beginning, we didn’t see how the former could win.
Oliver Stark, Ryan Guzman, Aisha Hinds, Tracie Thoms, and Bryan Safi from 9-1-1, playing for the American Red Cross, faced off against Ronald Gladden, Cassandra Blair, Maria Russell, David Brown, Susan Berger, and Edy Modica from Jury Duty, playing for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles.
Stark and Gladden faced off first. “We asked 100 men, fill in the blank, you know a date’s not into you if she ____ after you kiss her,” host Steve Harvey said. Stark rang in first with “comes up with an excuse,” but it wasn’t on the board. “Pulls out her phone,” Gladden said, and it, too, wasn’t on the board. Then it went to Guzman, who seemed to run out of time. Blair’s “winces, like pulls away,” was correct, and the cast of Jury Duty played. Russell’s “yawns,” Brown’s “leaves,” Berger’s “gags,” and Modica’s “wipes her mouth” were all correct. Gladden’s “avoids eye contact,” Blair’s “laughs,” and Russell’s “calls 9-1-1” were not. But the cast of 9-1-1 was not able to steal with Stark’s “slaps you” incorrect. That gave Jury Duty 86 points.
Guzman and Blair faced off with question 2: “Name a reason a married man might say he went to a singles bar.” Guzman rang in and suggested “to check out sports.” But he was wrong. “Meet his best friend” from Blair gave Jury Duty the play. Russell’s “to meet a coworker” and Brown’s “to have a drink” were also up there. Berger’s “karaoke night” was not. Modica’s “to cheat because they have an agreement” was (“Meet ladies. Duh”). Gladden’s “happy hour deals” wasn’t, but Blair’s “bachelor party” was. “He’s sad/depressed” from Russell gave them three strikes, but 9-1-1 was unable to steal (Stark suggested “he likes the food”). Jury Duty had 162 points. (It sounded like Stark had said “research” to his team, which was the eighth on the list.)
Hinds and Russell went head-to-head over “Name an animal a 50-year-old cougar might compare her 25-year-old boyfriend to.” Hinds rang in first with “jaguar,” but it wasn’t up there, nor was Russell’s “sloth.” Thoms’ “puppy” was (and Brown’s “panther” wasn’t), and the cast of 9-1-1 played. Safi’s “lion cub” and Stark’s “tiger” were on the board. Guzman’s “jackrabbit” (getting laughs) and Hinds’ “pussycat,” were not, and Thoms was unable to come up with a guess, so Jury Duty was able to successfully steal with “stallion.” They had 260 points.
But then the 9-1-1 cast came back, when Thoms and Brown faced off with, “Name something that the fluffier it is, the better.” Brown was correct with “blanket,” and Jury Duty played. Berger’s “frosting” was correct (as was Gladden’s “pet”), but Modica’s “coat,” wasn’t. Blair’s “stuffed animal” and Russell’s “cake” incorrect answers allowed 9-1-1 to steal with “eggs,” giving them 237 points. They then won in sudden death (since no one reached 300), with Safi and Berger asked for the top answer for, “Fill in the blank. Busy as a ____.” Safi said “bee,” giving 9-1-1 the win with 465 points total.
Stark and Safi then took on Fast Money. With 20 seconds on the clock for both, their answers for “How many children would a woman have that would make her say enough is enough,” “Name something you catch,” “The best party ever would need to have the best what,” “Tell me the person you spend the most money on for Christmas,” and “Name a US city people move to for show business” got them the win and the $25,000 for their charity.
What did you think of the 9-1-1 and Jury Duty‘s casts on Celebrity Family Feud? Let us know in the comments section below.