BREAKING NEWS: 9-11 Season 7 Episode 1 Review: Can They Weather the Storm?

9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, “Abandon Ships,” is the first episode since the show switched networks from FOX to ABC. But even on a new network, the show has stayed true to its essence, and the storylines have remained consistent.

We pick up right where we left off, with Bobby and Athena going off on their honeymoon cruise while Eddie is still dating Marisol and Buck has just broken up with his latest girlfriend.

If viewers were afraid the show would change and lose what had made it so special, “Abandon Ships” proves (so far) that we have nothing to fear. Those characters we have come to care about are still the same, and it seems they will remain so throughout the season.

Something is Coming9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, "Abandon ‘Ships"

A few things going on in Bobby and Athena’s honeymoon cruise lead us to believe more trouble is coming, and we’re worried for their safety.

The clues are right there in front of our eyes, with one of them directly telling us what will happen: the ship will start to sink. This is shown when Bobby and Athena are seen almost drowning and saying “I love you” to each other.

Before that, however, we see Athena in therapy, discussing how traumatized she was by watching Poseidon. That is our first hint at something terrible probably happening while she is on the cruise.

Our fear and Athena’s that something might go wrong while sailing intensify when the cruise director mentions they might run into bad weather when touching port in Mazatlan. This ends up referencing not only the storm but also the people taking over the cruise.

The storm isn’t the only thing that seems to be going against the married couple. All throughout “Abandon Ships,” Athena seems to be avoiding Bobby, making up a migraine, and sneaking out while he is asleep.

Is there something going on between the couple? Could she possibly be avoiding spending time alone with her husband?

9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, "Abandon ‘Ships" - Peter Krause as Bobby, sitting with hands folded in a blue shirt

Even though it seems like another tactic to avoid Bobby at first, Athena’s true sergeant nature shines through when she decides to investigate what is going on with Lola and Norman.

From the moment Bobby and Athena run into the couple at dinner, we can tell there are signs of something going wrong — the same sign Athena notices when Lola looks down as the cruise director comes by.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Lola is missing after the stop in Mazatlan, and Norman has scratches on his neck. When Athena goes to see Lola in her cabin, the bed is made, and the maid is carrying bloody towels.

Clearly, Lola is not on the cruise. Unlike what we believe up to that point, Norman hasn’t killed his wife, and his story introduces what is to come on 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 2, “Rock the Boat.”

Not only is our favorite couple about to face a terrible storm, but they will also have to help fight the group that has taken over the ship.

The Relationships Make The Show
9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, "Abandon ‘Ships"

The great special effects and the well-played action scenes are some of the many aspects of the show that have made 9-1-1 as special as it is. Without those things, the show would fall short, and it wouldn’t be able to tell the stories it has been telling for seven years.

However, another very important aspect of 9-1-1 is the relationships established between characters from the beginning. Those relationships still matter seven years later and are just as special on 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, “Abandon Ships.”

Of course, Athena and Bobby’s relationship is front and center, but it’s not the only one that matters. Maddie and Chimeny are navigating the honeymoon phase, wishing it could last forever. As much as Chimeny wants “forever dating” to work, the case they work proves to him that you cannot force things.

Not all relationships are romantic, and 9-1-1 proves that with Eddie and Buck’s friendship. This time around, Eddie asks for Buck’s help with Christopher. He believes Buck is the perfect person to talk to him about dating multiple girls.

These characters rely on one another to save lives and keep each other safe, but they also rely on one another to lead their lives, fall in love, seek advice, and stay true to who they are.

It’ll be interesting to see how the rest of 9-1-1 Season 7 explores that and whether we encounter changes on this new network.

As far as season premieres go, 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1, “Abandon Ships,” is as perfect as it can get. Every single one of our favorite characters gets the screen time they deserve for the storyline they are telling.

There is drama, love, chaos, accidents, and an open ending that leaves us wanting more and wondering what is yet to come in this new season.

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