Some scenes never make it to the final cut of an episode as editors must tell a coherent narrative bar the time constraint. Some of these scenes are so good that sometimes it pains the creatives to cut them out. In 9-1-1 Season 7, Episode 9, the 118 were awarded medals for their bravery during the ship rescue. After the celebration, some interactions happened between the characters, and while viewers saw some of them, others didn’t make the cut.
A new deleted scene courtesy of 9-1-1 on Instagram unveils one such conversation between Hen, Karen, and Tommy. The protective mama bears corner Tommy as he grabs a piece of the celebratory cake, and they put his feet on the fire regarding his intentions with Buck.
Hen and Karen Grill Tommy
As the scene begins, Tommy has just grabbed the cake, and when he turns around, Hen and Karen block his way. “So, where are you going with this?” Hen asks with a half-intimidating and half-puzzled look on her face. “To my table. So I can eat it,” Tommy answers, but not Henren’s expected response. They try to nudge him in the right direction. “We mean, where are you going with Buck,” Karen clarifies. “Oh, he’s not having any cake. He’s in ketosis,” Tommy continues to play the fool.
“Are we still talking about cake?” he gives in when he realizes they won’t let it go that easy. “We’re talking about your intentions,” Hen goes straight to the point. “Are they honorable?” her wife backs her up. “I’m wearing a medal,” he jokes before responding on a serious note. “We’re taking it very slow. In fact, I’m letting him set the pace, and I’m just trying to keep up.” Tommy walks away, leaving Hen and Karen pondering what Tommy just revealed about his and Buck’s relationship.