Diane Keaton Says It’s “Highly Unlikely” She’ll Ever Date Again

Diane Keaton Says It’s “Highly Unlikely” She’ll Ever Date Again




Diane Keaton doesn’t regret a thing about her decision to never get married.

The actor is 77 and happily single, telling AARP The Magazine in an interview for their April cover story that she doesn’t see a relationship in her future and she’s totally OK with that. “I don’t date. Highly unlikely. I don’t remember anyone calling me, going, ‘This is So-and-So, I’d like to take you out.’ They don’t happen. Of course not,” she said. Instead, Keaton has built a family of her own, adopting a daughter, 27-year-old Dexter, and son, 22-year-old Duke, in her fifties. She adds that she’s also unexpectedly found companionship in her dog Reggie. “A friend of mine gave her to me. I didn’t even ask for her. He came to me and said, ‘I think you need this dog.’ I was like, ‘Okay, I guess?’ Of course, now I just love her,” she explained. “Dogs are irresistible. They’re just idiots. Reggie is a big jerk, and she’s hilarious.”

In January, Extra asked the Annie Hall star how long it’s been since she last went out with someone, to which she confessed, “Let’s [say] 15 years. They probably just thought, ‘Enough’s enough…she’s too weird.’ I’m kind of odd, but I’m doing fine. Someday, someone will marry me. Maybe one of these nice men today that have to deal with me today.”

And back in 2019, Keaton also told People that she doesn’t consider herself marriage material. “I think that I’m strange,” she said, regarding the topic of matrimony. “Today I was thinking about this. I’m 73 and I think I’m the only one in my generation and maybe before who has been a single woman all her life.” While the actor has had plenty of high-profile romances in her day with stars such as Woody Allen, Warren Beatty, and Al Pacino, she says she doesn’t regret never settling down. “[I’m not sad] because I think that I needed more of a maternal aspect,” she said. “I don’t think it would have been a good idea for me to have married, and I’m really glad I didn’t, and I’m sure they’re happy about it, too.”

Keaton concluded, “I remember one day in high school, this guy came up to me and said, ‘One day you’re going to make a good wife.’ And I thought, ‘I don’t want to be a wife. No.’ When I was young, I was looking to be loved by these extraordinary people. I think I should not have been so seduced by talent. When you’re both doing the same job, it’s not so great. I should have found just a nice human being, kind of a family guy.”

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