Does Mel sleep with someone else in Virgin River?

Does Mel sleep with someone else in Virgin River?

The good news is Mel did not sleep with anyone else during that brief breakup. The bad news is she was in Los Angeles during it and she used the embryos she and her late husband had at a fertility clinic.

“If we have a Season 4, it will be revealed at the end of [it] and it’s a driving storyline in [it],” executive producer Sue Tenney tells TV Insider of the father’s identity of her.

Breckenridge hopes it’s Jack’s, though admits “that might be wishful thinking,” while Henderson expects a “really weird and awkward and uncomfortable” conversation to follow that bombshell, even once Mel explains what’s going on. “At the drop of a hat, she goes and [uses the embryos she had with] her dead ex-husband,” he says. “It’s rather a quick reaction to Jack’s rejection. Jack would have felt that perhaps they could talk about it or that she would maybe give it a couple of weeks before deciding to do that.”

The good news is Tenney promises “in the series, eventually, they are going to get married.” But the not-so-good news is the proposal isn’t coming at the best time. They did just get back together. For Jack , “it’s quite important that he shows her that his commitment is absolute, and what better way to do that than to take those vows and make it forever?” Henderson says.

“My first inclination is she would have said yes,” Breckenridge says, but adds, “However, just because you want to say yes in that moment…”
Both Breckenridge and Henderson know the answer to that question, which fans are still asking a season after it happened. “I will say if we get to go into a Season 4 that the audience will be genuinely surprised at who’s behind all of it,” Tenney teases. “The person who pulled the trigger and wanted him dead are the same person, but Calvin [David Cubitt] and Jimmy [Ian Tracey] and the failed raid in Season 2 and him getting shot all intersect with all the rest of it .”

And if you believe Brady’s claim that he’s innocent, the EP points out, “We’ll find that even if you believe someone’s innocent, proving that they’re innocent is much more difficult.”
Hope’s storyline was due to O’Toole’s availability as a result of the pandemic. Based on Tenney saying that “Annette is very excited to rejoin” the cast if there’s a Season 4, we have a feeling her character will be just fine. “We ‘ll get back to pieces of [the planned storyline for Doc and Hope] as we go forward,” the EP says.

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