Gordon Ramsay fainted when his wife gave birth to baby Oscar
Gordon Ramsay has admitted he ‘fainted like an idiot’ at the birth of the latest child.The superchef, whose eldest son is a student at Exeter University, said he blacked out as newborn Oscar emerged screaming into the world.He admitted: “Tana didn’t want to see me there for previous births, she said ‘I don’t want you to see me in this state so get out.’ This time around, I was there and I absolutely cr*pped my pants. I fainted. I literally dropped on the floor.”I was sat there and Oscar popped out through the sunroof and then they sort of throw you on him and he’s screaming and I fell back, the nurse grabbed me. Ed Sheeran was playing, I put Ed on to calm everybody. I put Ed on then I blacked out, I fainted like an idiot. Have you ever been in the [operating] theatre where there is so much commotion, so much going on? And then bang. I’ve never fainted in my life, by the way, that was the first time.”
On being present at the birth, he continued: “It’s scary, it’s full on also they are experts [the doctors] and I’m a control freak so I was like ‘Get me the hell out of here, please.’”The father of five, who has a holiday home in Rock, Cornwall, added: “He is six months, it’s extraordinary, also for the rest of the kids it’s just a welcome bundle of joy. And boy, does that take you back!”