In Alexis’ office, Kristina asks her mother to help her prepare for Ava’s trial. She wants to do everything she can to ensure Ava is found guilty. Alexis wants her to be ready, but this case may not go how she wants. Kristina asks why she’d say that, as the truth is on her side. Alexis says the truth doesn’t matter when Ric is involved, and he is smart and shrewd and will set a trap she will walk right into. Alexis thinks Ric will use what happened at the Port Charles grill to show she’s unstable.
Kristina says she won’t let Ric get to her again, and she won’t let Ava get away with this, as she is not a mother because of that woman. She wants Ava to experience the pain of having Avery ripped out of her arms and know she caused it. Alexis has never heard her daughter talk this way and says the law is about justice, not revenge. Kristina thinks in this case, justice and revenge go hand-in-hand.
Ava meets Ric at Café Cherrie to discuss her trial. Ric says this case is winnable, but they don’t know if the jury will believe her side of the story. Ava asks if he’s going to paint Kristina as an explosive woman. Ric responds, “Like you?” Ava can’t believe he’d say that to her, and she’s not the monster everyone makes her out to be. Ric says her reaction just now doesn’t bode well if it indicates how she’ll be on the stand. Ava insists she can do this. Ric says the prosecution will use her past and every bad thing she’s done to show there is a pattern of behavior with her, so she needs to face her past and what she’s done. Ava says nobody in that court will understand why she’s done the things she’s done. Ric knows what it’s like to do terrible things and end up alone, losing the people you love, and wonder how you got to where you are. He says he won’t judge her because it would mean judging himself, and he isn’t ready to do that.
Ava thanks Ric, and asks him to do his worst and ask her questions like she might be asked on the stand. Ric asks, “Miss Jerome, how did it feel to push Kristina Davis out the window? Was it like you felt when you shot and murdered Connie Falconeri?” She says she did not kill Connie and was found not guilty. Ric says only because the evidence against her disappeared, much like the bags Kristina tripped over in her room. She admits she has done things she regrets. He asks, “Such as killing Morgan Corinthos?” She cries she did not kill Morgan. She admits she switched his meds and caused his breakdown, but she was not involved in his death or the explosion. She says Morgan’s death haunts her, but it is nothing like what happened with Kristina and her baby. She says moving Cates’ bag was stupid and is what makes her look guilty, and hurting a pregnant woman is a line she wouldn’t cross. She has barely slept since that fall, and she remembers the look on Kristina’s face and her scream as she fell. Ava cries that Kristina lost her daughter, just like she lost her Kiki, and she would never inflict that suffering on another mother. She would give up everything she could to give Kristina back her baby. Ric tells Ava that speech was perfect and to say exactly that on the stand. He says if she takes accountability like she did, she has this win in the bag.
Trina runs into TJ at Sonny’s gym. She is sorry to hear about what happened to Sam and asks how Molly is doing. TJ wishes he could say but he’s barely seen her. He says losing their daughter has been hard, and he and Molly have been throwing themselves into their work and have barely spent time together. He thought Molly and him would deal with their grief together, but now with Sam being gone, Molly is more distant than ever. All this loss has been too much for Molly.
After they work out on the bag for a bit, TJ decides he needs to get back to work. He tells her to have a great workout. Kai walks in, and she comments her workout won’t be great because of who just arrived. TJ sees she’s talking about Kai, and praises his skills as a quarterback. Trina explains he’s messing up her GPA as he’s not shown up to their art history class. TJ suggests she go talk to him about it.
TJ heads out, and Kai approaches Trina. She asks why he’s here and not at the athletes’ fancy training facility. Kai says it’s closed right now, and he came over to tell her he wants to make things right. He got his class schedule and will be attending all his classes. She tells him not to bother, as she asked for a new group partner. Once it’s approved, she won’t have to see him again. She walks out.
At Bobbie’s, Molly is sitting at a table alone. Isaiah bumps her table and knocks her book, Little Women, to the floor. He picks it up and assumes she must want a good cry if she’s reading it. She says it’s her favorite book, and this is a new addition, and she bought it as a birthday gift for herself. He wishes her a happy birthday, and she thanks him, as her family has forgotten. He thinks that’s awful, but she explains her family has had a lot going on with her sister’s recent death. Isaiah doesn’t’ mean to pry but asks what happened. She explains her sister died donating her liver. Isaiah realizes Molly’s sister was Sam. He calls this a strange coincidence as he was the surgeon who operated on Lulu, and introduces himself. He says he’s sorry for her loss, and Molly invites him to join her if he’s not meeting someone. He accepts as she shouldn’t eat alone on her birthday. He understands now why her family forgot her birthday. Molly says even if they remember, she’s not really in the mood to celebrate. Isaiah says it’s important to celebrate things, and birthdays only come once a year. Isaiah gets a call and has to take it and steps away.
When he returns, Isaiah brings a cupcake with a candle and sings “Happy Birthday” to her. She calls this very sweet, and he tells her to make a wish. Molly wonders if it’s okay to wish for something impossible. He tells her that is the best kind of wish. She makes a wish and blows the candle out. Isaiah suggests she only read the happy parts of Little Women today. She’s impressed he’s read it, and he says probably about ten times. It was the only book he could get his hands on at one point while working in Africa. Molly tells him about her sisters Kristina and Sam and her mom, and which character from the novel each of them would be. She realizes she just referred to Sam in the present as if she was still here, and doesn’t know if she’ll ever get used to referring to Sam as being in the past.
Later, Isaiah is outside Bobbie’s when he gets a call from Terry. She asks him to see her at the hospital. Meanwhile, Kristina appears, runs into her sister, hands her a small box, and wishes her a happy birthday. Molly opens it, and it’s a necklace similar to Kristina’s, which Molly has always loved. Molly thanks her, and smiles at her sister.
Nina and Drew walk into the Quartermaine mansion, and Nina asks Jason, who is standing there like a statue, if he’s not going to congratulate his brother, who is a congressman now. Jason up and punches Drew, who falls to the ground.
Nina screams, “What the hell! Leave him alone.” Jason clobbers the hell out of Drew. Ned, Brook Lynn and Lois rush in. Ned stops Jason, and Drew asks him, “Why?” Jason responds, “You know why!”
Jason storms out, and Ned asks Drew what that was about. Nina helps Drew sit down in the living room, and Ned tells Drew not to bleed on the upholstery. Lois can’t believe he’s worried about the furniture. Ned just doesn’t want Monica to find out about this as it would break her heart. Brook Lynn goes to the kitchen to get Drew a towel and some ice. Lois thinks Drew should go to the hospital, but Ned says that will draw unwanted attention. Drew says Ned is right; he doesn’t need attention on him right now.
Nina decides to get Willow to help Drew, and Lois thinks they should call the cops. Ned refuses to bring the cops in, and Drew agrees: no cops.
In the gatehouse, Michael asks Willow how she feels about Drew moving to DC. She admits she’s glad he’s leaving, as he won’t be a reminder to Michael about what she’s done. Michael wonders if Drew leaving will be enough to save their marriage. Willow thinks it will allow them to work on their marriage. Michael knows where to start and that is with the truth. Michael says he loves her, and he wants to move past this. She does, too. Michael is glad to hear that, but they aren’t being truthful with one another. She apologizes for keeping the kiss from him. He says this isn’t just about the kiss, as they’ve both been keeping secrets, and this has been a pattern for them. She hates that they’ve gotten to where they are.
Michael says to make this work, there can’t be more secrets between them. Willow asks where they start, so he says they need to be completely honest with one another.
Suddenly, Nina knocks on the door, interrupting them. She asks Willow to come to the house, as Drew and Jason fought, and Drew’s been hurt. The three of them rush to the house.
In the Q’s kitchen, Lois and Brook Lynn discuss what just happened as Brook Lynn gets more ice for Drew. Lois thinks Jason must still be grieving Sam, and Brook Lynn says perhaps that’s it. Lois realizes her daughter knows something and demands she spill it. Brook Lynn explains Drew and Willow kissed, and they were trying to keep it under wraps, but now Jason knows.
In the living room, Michael, Nina and Willow arrive. As Willow tends to Drew, Nina explains Jason attacked him. Ned drags Michael into the foyer and scolds him for telling Jason what happened, as he knows Jason takes matters into his own hands. Michael says he needed someone to talk to. Ned hopes it was worth it as the entire town will soon know about Willow and Drew.
Back in the living room, Brook Lynn and Lois bring Drew more ice. In a low voice, Willow asks Drew if it is possible Jason knows what they did. Drew feels that’s impossible. Later, Michael listens from the foyer as Willow tells Drew how sorry she is this happened and that he didn’t deserve this.
Back at Bobbie’s, Kristina puts the necklace around Molly’s neck, and says Sam is wishing her a happy birthday from heaven as well. They hug. Jason walks in, and Kristina take notes of his bloody fist.