List of Steel Magnolias Characters
List of Steel Magnolias characters, including pictures when available. These characters from the movie Steel Magnolias are listed by their importance to the film, so leading roles can be found at the top of the list. From main characters to minor roles and cameos, these characters are a big part of what made the film so great. The names of the actors and actresses who portrayed each character are included below as well, so use this Steel Magnolias character list to find out who played your favorite role.
Items on this list include Truvy and Jackson Latcherie. If you want to know, “What are the character’s names in Steel Magnolias?” then this list will answer your question. You can view this list of Steel Magnolias roles alphabetically by clicking on “Name” at the top of the list. If one of your favorite characters is missing, you can add them by typing in their name at the bottom of the list.