Alex Byrd and Tim Godbee got engaged in the pods on Love Is Blind season 7, but each of them turned to villainous ways in the wake of the latest episodes. Tim, a web content strategist, tragically lost both of his sisters when he was young. He turned to Alex, a producer working in the fashion industry, who gave him a space to unpack his trauma. While their relationship seemed to be smooth sailing in the pods, their engagement took a turn during the Love Is Blind season 7 trip to Mexico.
Love Is Blind season 7 has been a disappointment overall. While six couples got engaged in the pods, only three couples remain in the countdown to the wedding episode. Furthermore, Tyler Francis neglected to disclose his sperm donor status to Ashley Adionser. They might get married in the show, but as more news about Tyler unfolds, it’s become highly unlikely that the pair are still together today. Alex and Tim were a shaky couple from the start, but unlike many of the couples, they’re both in the wrong. Here’s why.
Alex And Tim Got In A Fight Off Camera
Alex Allegedly Covered His Mouth With Her Hand
The first drop of episodes ended on a cliffhanger as Alex and Tim relived the fallout of an epic fight that happened off-camera. Allegedly, Tim and Alex got into an argument after the group party, likely fueled by alcohol, in which Alex was accused of putting her hand over Tim’s mouth. He looked damaged and traumatized, the life drained from his eyes as Alex gave him a hug despite his assertions that he didn’t want to be touched.
According to @realityashley as reported by Vulture, Alex claimed she never covered Tim’s mouth with her hand. Because fans weren’t privy to the argument, it’s unclear what actually happened during their altercation.
” It actually wasn’t physical at all. It wasn’t that I physically covered his mouth — it was kind of a motion to deescalate the situation so he would understand that his voice was turning into yelling .”
Alex and Tim probably should’ve broken up in Mexico, but he decided to forgive her. In the previous drop of episodes, Tim read a heartfelt letter to Alex’s father, who has multiple sclerosis, asking for her hand in marriage. However, trouble brewed after Tim was unimpressed with Alex’s behavior towards his parents.
Alex Didn’t Find Tim Funny
Their Personalities Didn’t Go Together
Alex’s lack of appreciation for Tim’s sense of humor should’ve been the first red flag in their relationship, but these two incompatible cast members continued to try and make it work. In the pods, Tim trauma dumped on Alex rather than showing her his real personality. He had plenty to unpack regarding the tragic death of his two sisters, but Alex showed very little regarding who she was as a person aside from her ability to be a good listener.
Alex seemed to dislike Tim from the start, and Tim had to dim his shine to appease his fiancée.
In Mexico, Tim found a hat that he liked, but Alex was horrified. It was a perfectly non-offensive hat, and Tyler even bought one that was similar. However, Alex seemed to have no sense of fun, and didn’t find that hat or his “woof woof” jokes funny. Their incompatibility only devolved from there, with Tim revealing his spotlessly clean home while Alex’s house was a disaster.
Alex Disrespected Tim’s Parents
She Took A Nap After Cameras Stopped Rolling
Alex made a serious mistake and solidified herself as a Love Is Blind villain when she took a nap after cameras stopped rolling during her meeting with Tim’s parents. Tim already seemed unsure about Alex when he discussed their relationship with his parents, but her behavior off-camera was the nail in the coffin of their tumultuous engagement.
” The best husband will let you take your naps girl. “
Alex made fun of the incident online, posting a reel on Instagram shortly after the episodes dropped. “Afternoon nap anyone?” she captioned the video, proceeding to show up at her friend’s house only to snooze on the couch. Fan reactions were mixed in the comments, with one saying, “Tim did good for leaving you..He should have left you in Mexico,his delivery might have been poor but He did good,” while another commented, “The best husband will let you take your naps girl,” followed by a clapping emoji.
While Alex was smiley and had all the right answers during the on-screen interaction with Tim’s parents, things changed when cameras stopped rolling. Alex immediately went to go take a nap despite Tim’s parents driving ten hours to meet her. Tim was thoroughly unimpressed with her behavior and confronted her the next day to explain it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. When Alex tried to speak up, Tim refused to listen.
Tim Was An “Immovable Object”
His Mind Was Already Made Up
When Tim sat Alex down over a plate of chicken wings to talk about her grievous mistake, his mind was already made up. However, Tim exhibited multiple times throughout the show that he was an “immovable object,” which most women aren’t going to put up with in 2024. While Alex was difficult and undoubtedly unsuitable for Tim, his stubbornness and inability to listen will be a problem for his future relationships. Tim needed to stand up for what he needed in a relationship, but he also blindsided Alex and was dismissive towards her feelings.
Tim said he never wanted to see Alex again, but they’ll both appear on the Love Is Blind reunion airing Wednesday, October 30, at 9 p.m. ET on Netflix.
Ultimately, Alex and Tim brought out the worst in each other, making them both villains. However, they’re not bad people; they just should never have been together. Hopefully, Alex finds someone a little messier who treats her like a princess, and Tim finds someone more orderly, goofy, and flexible. It’s a relief that this Love Is Blind couple chose to break up.