Most of the season 7 Love Is Blind couples dropped out before their wedding day. However, there was a shocking early break up in the finale on the reality series. Ramses Prashad told Marissa George he didn’t want to get married or continue his relationship with her. Marissa felt blindsided because he reassured her throughout filming that he planned to marry her. Fans were also angry at Ramses for how he focused on and spoke about their physical relationship.
Marissa didn’t end the season unscathed either. Viewers were disappointed in her calling out Nick Dorka for lying at the reunion. Collider talked to Marissa on Nov. 7 about the public’s reaction to the reunion. She also responded to Ramses’s interview about their relationship.
Marissa Doesn’t Think She Was Defending Hannah at the ‘Love Is Blind’ Reunion
Fans have blasted Marissa over the way she exposed Nick’s alleged trash talk of Hannah at the Season 7 reunion. Many believed she had more upset for Nick than Ramses. Marissa told Collider she thought the reunion was fair to everyone involved. “I think it was pretty balanced, I think,” she said. “We obviously did spend a lot of time with Nick and Hannah [Jiles] and I think there could have been other questions, asked other couples, of course. There’s more information that people always want. But I think it was a pretty fair assessment or a fair representation of what happened.”
The law clerk said, watching the episode, things seemed more heated than they were filming. “My part was pretty spicy to people,” she later added. “They were very…[laughs] they have a lot of opinions about my behavior and I think that I mean it was pretty accurate, right? I am someone who’s just always going to be about integrity and honesty and accountability. And, in that moment, I wasn’t actually defending someone. I was necessarily, making sure that people were being honest and that someone who’s blatantly saying, ‘No, I didn’t say something,’ is correcting themselves to say no, you actually did say something.”
Marissa revealed after the reunion that she’s no longer close with Hannah. “After the reunion, our relationship kind of changed a bit because of how her apologies went towards Nick and her apology towards Katie,” she explained. “Me and Katie and Hannah have been good friends throughout this year, and we’ve had ups and downs in that friendship. She hasn’t always been the perfect friend. But we’ve been working through that. And so once the reunion happened, and it was her turn to kind of give a sincere apology to Katie, who she’s made, feel really bad about the whole, Nick and Katie conversation for an entire year, to the point that we couldn’t talk about it as friends.” She and Katie expected a sincere apology and didn’t feel like Hannah did that. Katie and Marissa remain good friends and live together.
Marissa Reponds to Ramses’s Interview About Their Physical Relationship
The law student appeared on The Viall Files multiple times to talk about the season. Ramses gave his side of the story to the same podcast, and it was released after the reunion. He claimed there and at the reunion that he was well aware of how birth control affects a woman’s body after he said he doesn’t like condoms. “I think he’s aware of it,” she said. “I think as much as a man can be to be honest.”
Marissa claimed in her Glamour interview that they resorted to the rhythm method for birth control. We asked what that meant for them. “I was already doing that prior,” she claimed. “OK, all I would do is tracking […] my period, and I was like we could use a condom during my ovulation like in that window, and I was OK with doing that at the time because I was OK with having a child.” The rhythm method is when you track your menstrual cycle to determine your fertile days to avoid pregnancy. Some also use the body temperature method to get a more accurate reading of ovulation. It’s effective 75% of the time, which is lower than other birth control methods, according to Cleveland Clinic. “I wasn’t being too smart,” she later said. “I should have been like, ‘Hey, if you’re not ready for kids, for sure, we have to figure out another option and that could have been non-hormonal birth control as well.'” The program coordinator claimed his concerns around physical intimacy wasn’t only about sex.
“I did listen to that and, he’s right, it wasn’t just about sex,” Marissa said. “It was about physical intimacy. But you do see that in the conversation. You see me say, ‘Well, it’s when you’re petting me, I don’t want to be pet when I’m overstimulated.’ I find it interesting that he felt the need to clarify that because I don’t think that was really the question.”
Marissa revealed his interview was the first time she heard he felt rejected in those moments when she told him to stop petting. “We are very physically affectionate,” she said. “So for him to say, like the three times that I told him, please stop petting me. I have nothing to say about it.” She was “bothered” by Ramses going far into detail like cleaning themselves off after sex and lying in separate parts of the beds afterward. “I have past sexual traumas and I have a reason why I don’t like to sleep naked and stuff like that,” she explained. Marissa said they talked about how early it was in their relationship, and they’d have more time to figure out what each person needs. “I was very compromising,” she claimed.
Marissa is currently in a new relationship. She posted a picture of her new man on Instagram and said he didn’t think her energy was too much for him. We asked her for the name of her new partner. “I am not gonna hear his name yet,” she answered. “I’m sure I could. I prefer not to because I rather protect that. Because I am open about everything else in my life and I will eventually probably slip it in a freaking text or a story one day and say his name. But I will eventually. He’s good.” It’s unknown when the cast of season 7 will return to film the After the Altar episodes. It was announced at the reunion that Love Is Blind would return for season 8 in Minneapolis.