The Infant Jesus of Atocha eventually became associated with protecting travelers from danger, but also various other miracles. For example, in Mexico there is a story of a woman in jail who prayed to the Infant Jesus for consolation. The story is briefly recalled in a Novena Booklet.
[S]he prayed with faith in her heart to the sacred Child ofAtocha, who kindly listened to her and took her out of that captivity. In allthe time that she had lived there, there was nobody that would defend heruntil the Holy Child of Atocha, dressed as a young prince, visited her in thatprison, and gave her some bread in the name of his mother, saying to herthat same afternoon she would be taken in front of the judge who wouldrelease her from custody
For this and many other reasons, the Infant Jesus of Atocha is invoked around the world. Below is a popular prayer to the Child Jesus that can be prayed for any intention.
O, Miraculous Infant Jesus of Atocha,Cast thy merciful look upon my troubled heart, so inclined to pity.Be softened by my prayer and grant me the favor I now ardently implore of Thee.(mention your petition here.)Take from me all affliction and despair, all trial and misfortune with which I am laden.For thy Sacred Infancy’s sake, send me now thy consolation and aid and grace.That I may praise thee, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.O Divine Child of Atocha, hear my prayer and grant my petition!