Renesmee Made Bella A Vampire, Not Edward – Twilight Theory Explained

Renesmee Made Bella A Vampire, Not Edward - Twilight Theory Explained
Renesmee Made Bella A Vampire, Not Edward - Twilight Theory Explained

Could Renesmee be the one who turned Bella into a vampire in Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and not Edward? A fan theory suggests so.
After a rollercoaster romance with vampire Edward Cullen, mortal Bella Swan got what she wanted and was transformed into a vampire by Edward himself in Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, but a fan theory suggests it was actually her newborn daughter, Renesmee, who transformed Bella. Vampires are some of the most popular creatures in pop culture, and as such, they have been adapted to all times of media for years, with some artists giving them a different interpretation. In 2005, readers all over the world were introduced to a very unique type of vampires in Stephenie Meyer’s novel Twilight, the first in a series of four novels chronicling the problematic romance between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.

The Twilight book series became a worldwide phenomenon, building a solid fanbase but also drawing a lot of criticism, though that didn’t stop Hollywood from setting its eyes on Meyer’s stories. The Twilight novels were adapted to the big screen between 2008 and 2012, with the final book, Breaking Dawn, being split into two movies, and so fans got to truly witness the evolution of the relationship between Edward and Bella – from their first encounter at Forks High School to their wedding and later Bella’s transformation into a vampire. From the very first novel, Bella expressed her desire to become a vampire, but Edward refused as he wanted to protect her, though he later changed his mind slightly and told her that he would transform her, but they had to get married first.
After overcoming a variety of obstacles and problems, including a pack of werewolves and a clan of vampires known as the Volturi, Bella and Edward got married in Breaking Dawn – Part 1 right after finishing high school, in big part because Bella didn’t want to be much older than Edward and she still deeply desired to become a vampire. From there, their relationship escalated a lot quicker than before, and Bella became pregnant during their honeymoon – but this being a mortal/vampire relationship, her pregnancy was not a normal one, and her baby was basically feeding on her blood, slowly consuming her. Bella died for a couple of seconds after giving birth to Renesmee and Edward immediately injected her with his own venom, transforming her after a couple of minutes, but some fans believe Renesmee was the one who transformed her mother.
The theory, posted on Reddit, is based on the movie Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and not on the novel, and it’s all about one easy-to-miss detail during the chaotic scene of Renesmee’s birth. The author explains that when Renesmee is handed to Bella, a quick bite-like sound is heard, after which Bella flinches and Renesmee is taken away from her. Almost immediately after, Bella’s heart stops beating, and that’s when Edward injects her with his venom and bites her many times to bring her back. This, then, implies that it was Renesmee who turned Bella into a vampire, even though she’s a vampire/human hybrid – however, in Breaking Dawn – Part 2, it was revealed that another hybrid, Nahual, successfully turned his aunt into a vampire, so it’s definitely possible. Twilight fans have pointed out that the sound was that of Bella’s spine and/or ribs snapping, though that happened during the birth, while others believe that, while it’s possible that Renesmee bit Bella at that moment, there was more of Edward’s venom in Bella, so in the end, he was still the one who transformed her.
Others have pointed out that in the book it’s mentioned that Renesmee bit Jacob many times when she was little without any consequences on Jacob, even though vampire venom is extremely dangerous for werewolves, so her venom wouldn’t have been powerful enough to transform Bella. That bite-like sound when Bella is holding Renesmee in Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 is surely a curious one, and it could potentially change Bella’s history – but that’s ultimately up to every viewer unless Stephenie Meyer ever decides to address it and share who really transformed Bella into a vampire.

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