The Entire Bridgerton Family Tree Explained
Oh, true love… What a rare and beautiful thing. But for the Bridgerton family, love seems to be as easy as learning to walk. Sure, the siblings at the center of Netflix’s aptly titled Bridgerton have had their fair share of trouble getting their happily ever after, but they always manage to find that special someone that many of us spend the rest of our lives searching for, unsuccessfully. So far, we’ve only seen two of the siblings get a chance at romance: Daphne (Phoebe Dynevor) in Season 1 and Anthony (Jonathan Bailey) in Season 2. However, Season 3 is coming with a brand new love story starring young Colin (Luke Newton), and if creator Chris Van Dusen has his way, all eight Bridgerton children will have their own romances.
With such good fortune, it’s no wonder people are eager to learn more about the Bridgerton family. Who are these people whose love is almost a given? Well, there are a lot of questions and many parts to answer. Here, we’ll take a look at who the Bridgerton clan is and how they’re all connected. Hey, this is a great way to start your quest for answers!
Edmund Bridgerton
Played by Rupert Evans in a flashback episode in Season 2, the late Lord Bridgerton isn’t actually a character in the Netflix series. However, his influence is still felt everywhere, especially when it comes to his eldest son, Anthony. Stung by a bee at a time when allergies were much more life-threatening than they are now, he is still deeply missed by his wife and children. But Anthony is the one most affected by his father’s death: in Season 2, he reveals that he doesn’t want to marry for love because he never wants to suffer like his mother did when the late Lord Bridgerton died.
Violet Bridgerton
Born Violet Ledger (Connie Jenkins-Greig of the spin-off Queen Charlotte), Lady Bridgerton (Ruth Gemmell) is the daughter of Lord Ledger (Keir Charles) and his wife, Vivan (Katie Brayben). The now-widowed viscountess has her children’s best interests at heart, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t understand the concept of propriety. For example, in Season 2, while she insists that Anthony make room in his heart for love, she also pressures Eloise (Claudia Jessie) to give up her more rebellious ways, and is devastated to learn that her daughter may be hanging out with political activists. Back when her husband was alive, Violet had a close partnership with him, and she suffered greatly after his death. As a widow, she had a deep friendship with Lady Danbury (Adjoa Andoh). Alas, the two women may be on the brink of falling out, as Queen Charlotte has revealed that Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger had an affair in the past.
Anthony Bridgerton
The current Viscount and eldest of all the Bridgerton children, Anthony is the main character of the second season of the series. In the show, he is portrayed as a serious, proud, and practical man who has no real interest in love, at least not in a romantic way. In fact, he has a rather low opinion of all the women around him who are looking for a chance at marriage, and it is not until he meets Sharma that his thoughts begin to change. Sure, he immediately becomes an admirer of young Edwina (Charithra Chandran), believing that she possesses all the qualities he seeks in a wife. However, it is actually Kate (Simone Ashley), Edwina’s half-sister, who steals his heart. And after we learn that his disdain for true love stems from watching his mother suffer after the death of his father, it’s hard not to feel sorry for the man.
Benedict Bridgerton
Benedict (Luke Thompson) is the typical second son of an aristocratic family. With no set role for him to fulfill, Benedict is on a journey of self-discovery that has so far included a threesome with a local fashion model and 19th-century acid trips. Much more romantic than his brother, Benedict is also an artist, with painting being his form of expression of choice. In Season 2 of Bridgerton, he was accepted into the Royal Academy but later discovered that he was admitted thanks to Anthony’s influence (and, um, money). This led him to promise to make a name for himself, and Season 3 will likely see him behind the scenes looking for his chance to shine.