The Untold Truth Of Al Pacino

The Untold Truth Of Al Pacino


Al Pacino is a Hollywood icon who has been lighting up the silver screen with his talent for over half a century. Pacino’s intensity is legendary, and has delighted cinephiles in an amazing array of roles — to say nothing of the many, many awards it’s netted him. The actor has also managed to elude the tabloids by keeping himself out of trouble, keeping his private life private, and handling things like the professional he is. These qualities have the fringe benefit of making Pacino a bit mysterious in the eyes of fans, which adds a unique allure to his already impressive public persona.

Given Pacino’s approach to acting, it’s no surprise that he prefers to keep his identity divorced from his roles. The renowned method actor studied under some of the greatest thespians of the century, and is known for taking roles in movies defined by crime, vice, and brutality. When one takes into account where he’s from — Pacino was born in East Harlem and spent most of his childhood growing up in the Bronx — his intense persona and interest in demanding roles makes quite a bit of sense. What other facets make this storied actor who he is? We’re here to answer that very question with this look into the life of Al Pacino.

Al Pacino was arrested for attempted robbery
Al Pacino doesn’t just play criminals — he’s been one himself. Now, don’t get the wrong idea: He’s managed to keep himself out of the court systems since. Plus, the incident that led to a police station photo session was somewhat humorous. Pacino was on his way to an acting job with two other actors when they were pulled over by police. Apparently the officers got suspicious about their car circling the block several times. When they approached the vehicle, the young actors had masks, gloves, and a .38 caliber pistol in the back seat.

Al Pacino and friends were detained, charged with possession of a concealed weapon, and had some lovely photos taken. Most aspiring actors aren’t known for their bank accounts, so it’s no surprise that none of them could make bail. Pacino and friends remained in jail for three days until the situation sorted itself out. Turns out that the gun they had in the back was a prop gun. According to police reports, Pacino was “very helpful” during questioning — pretty much the opposite way many of his characters might have behaved. Somehow, we can’t see Tony Montana helping the cops. But keeping his head on straight probably helped the young legend have all charges against him dropped, as they eventually were.

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