Twilight: 10 Hilarious TikToks That Will Make Your Day

The Twilight Renaissance has taken TikTok by storm! Here are some hilarious videos from the app that will be sure to make any Twihard’s day!
While the recent gothic horror film The Invitation bears little resemblance to Twilight, it’ll be interesting to see if the new release lives up to the same legacy as the latter. Although The Twilight Saga receives much criticism and is the subject of many memes, it is also undoubtedly one of the most celebrated and successful vampire films and supernatural teen book-to-film adaptations.
Even a decade after its on-screen conclusion, the series continues to be commemorated by both old and new fans. More recently, the Twilight renaissance has come to make its mark on TikTok as well, immortalizing the series’ legacy even further with hilarious content for all Twihards to enjoy.

From Team Edward To Team Jacob

The question of Team Edward or Team Jacob was a defining divide in the fandom, especially after the latter’s more prominent character development and presence from New Moon onwards.
Taylor Dome appears to have been on both; formerly a Team Edward fan, she is currently engaged to Taylor Lautner, who played Edward’s rival, Jacob Black. This TikTok hilariously capitalizes on the “childhood crush vs. who you ended up with” to show how Taylor switched loyalties, with the truth of the situation making it that much better and amusing.

Background Characters

While Bella’s introduction to the vampire family is one of the most memorable scenes in the films, it’s also very skewed, with many memes perfectly summing up the Cullen family much more accurately than Jessica does.

Luckily, this TikTok calls Jessica out for her biased and low-key bully behavior as she passes snarky judgment on the Cullens. The creators’ comedic take on the iconic scene, full of subtle roasts and entertaining commentary sure to make any fan laugh, makes it a great watch.

So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb

Although there are many cringe-worthy quotes fans love in Twilight, Edward’s “this is the skin of a killer, Bella” has gained a newfound appreciation in recent times thanks to an even further increase in Robert Pattinson’s popularity.

There are many elements to this TikTok that make it a deserving watch for a good laugh: the deadpan delivery, the parodied yet accurate performance, and – the highlight – Edward’s ridiculously bedazzled face that will remind fans of what his killer skin really looks like.

Where’ve You Been Loca?!

While it might not exactly be a fan favorite Twilight quote, Jacob Black’s notorious greeting when Bella comes to see him again in New Moon has gained popularity in the fandom thanks to its great meme content and ridiculousness.

It’s gotten to the point where Twihards may even consider it as the preferred method of asking about what they’ve been up to, as hilariously shown in this TikTok video. Plus, the moment of realization, the random zooming in, and the toasting with the Jacob Black mug (complete with the quote) are the icing on the cake.

He’s A 10, But…

The “they’re a 10 but -” trend has become viral on TikTok, with many creators using it as a comedic outlet to highlight some of the more toxic and questionable personalities of beloved fictional characters.
In this Twilight-based version, Edward Cullen is the subject of discussion as his defining traits get subtly called out in different ways. The manner in which he is discussed (such as his natural rivalry with Jacob’s pack being translated to “he hates dogs”) and the moment of understanding will surely bring a smile to any Twihards face.

I Know What You Are

Bella and Edward are The Twilight Saga’s best couple and their most iconic scene together is undoubtedly the moment in Twilight when Bella confronts Edward about his true nature.

While this scene has been recreated and remixed by countless users, this TikTok video not only pokes justified fun at the dramatic scene but also offers a hilarious twist to offer a refreshing and even more humorous and absurd take than others.

A Day With The Cullens

The Cullens’ lifestyle as vampires has been questioned since they came to exist, with many especially criticizing their choice to constantly be in high school when there are so many better potential uses of their time.
However, this TikTok proves that there are also many other questionable behaviors within their family dynamic and histories. From the Bella-Jacob-Renesmee fiasco to calling out which characters would fall under the LGBTQ+ spectrum, this video takes a pointedly true yet highly amusing look at how absurd the family really is.

Twilight In The Air

The soundtrack for The Twilight Saga has been adored and applauded by fans for years now, with many great songs coming out of the franchise, such as “Let Me Sign,” powerfully sung by Robert Pattinson himself.

While the song is loved by fans, it is also remembered for its notoriously hard-to-decipher lyrics. This TikTok is hilarious for not only pointing out this fact but also linking correctly linking Twilight to the change of season into Fall and all of its Twilight vibes.

An Accurate Summary

There are many best TikToks about The Twilight Saga that focus on its impact and meme-able content. However, there are also many that provide summaries showcasing how wild and preposterous the films are.

Among these, this TikTok stands out not only for being a great one-person show but also for actually being pretty accurate when it comes to what happens, highlighting how unintentionally hilarious and problematic the plot was, all of which made it as iconic as this summary.

Jasper’s Pained Look

Jasper Cullen has become a notable character within the franchise, for many reasons ranging from his heavy cowboy vibes in Eclipse to his problematic past as a Confederate soldier.

However, his trademark quality was undoubtedly the look of constant pain he was in and how much more intense he was compared to the rest of his family, as hilariously shown in this TikTok which features a spot-on Jasper impersonation and impressive reworking of the cafeteria scene. The creator has also made numerous other amusing videos as the questionable Cullen, thanks to the uncanny resemblance noticed by fans.

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