Twilight’s scenes are well-known for being cringy, at times, but some Redditors discuss which might be the worst.
The Twilight Saga’s beloved Cullen family actors have recently reunited in a new Comic-Con image that has fans excited. Even though it’s been years since the saga has been released, it solidified its spot as an iconic franchise since 2008. But not everything in the movies has aged well, and some aspects were just cringey from the get-go.
Redditors have discussed the most cringe-worthy scenes in the franchise – some that they only caught on a rewatch and others that have never forgotten as OG fans. Although some scenes are more cringe-worthy than others, there is a fair number that are still talked about to this day. The whole saga has parts that make fans’ skin crawl, including Edward showing Bella his sparkling skin and Jacob implying he should call Edward “dad.”
Don’t Make Jacob Angry Or Things Will Get Ugly
Otherm0ther despises when Jacob says, “Don’t make me angry or things will get very ugly” in New Moon. In this cringe-inducing moment, Jacob threatens Alice in Bella’s home as they try to discuss how to protect Bella from Victoria. The Redditor believes it sounds like “listening to my toddler threaten to never speak to me again.”
The Redditor does have a point in that this scene is pretty difficult to watch. It might even be too cheesy for any viewer to possibly relate to. It’s understandable that Jacob is very protective of Bella, but the vampires and wolves need to work together to protect Bella, and here he sounds more like a child than a teenager.
Bella Hates Cold & Wet Things
Some of Bella Swan’s quotes made viewers uncomfortable after rewatch. Patchinthebox immediately thinks of the scene where Bella says, “Any cold, wet… thing… I don’t really…” to Edward. She tends to over-exaggerate her awkwardness, but this scene was definitely over-the-top cringe-worthy.
Her awkward delivery could be the cause of this scene’s cringiness, but not only does her pacing make the it feel odd, but she blinks faster than normal and constantly shakes her head as if she’s unsure. This scene is difficult for many viewers to watch, so much so that viewers are still laughing about it today.
Edward Denies Bella’s Advances
From the first time Bella laid eyes on Edward, she was instantly attracted to him. As their relationship grows in Eclipse, she begins to feel comfortable enough to take her clothes off. To her surprise, Edward stops her, and some fans found this scene super embarassing to see Bella’s rejection. In fact, whenever DudeTheWorldSucks watches this scene, they get “secondhand embarrassment every time.”
The disconnect between the pair meant that they were on different pages in their relationship. The unfortunate shutdown plummeted Bella’s confidence, hurt her ego, and was embarrassing all at once. Another Redditor says they would never take their clothes off in front of him again.
Bella’s Spider Monkey
RebeccaMCullen recalls many scenes full of cringe, but that the best ones are “‘Hold on tight spider monkey’ and That’s my monkey man.'” Edward finally told Bella the truth about him and decided to showcase his agility by jumping swiftly between the trees. Many Redditors agree across different threads that these two lines are some of the cringiest scenes in the whole sage.
This correlation between monkeys and vampires isn’t something that makes a lot of sense and so it creates a disconnect between the viewers and the movie after hearing those lines. It’s normal to have nicknames when two people are in a relationship, but these were a little weirder than the usual.
Twilight’s Rough Cuts
There are a few weird cuts that Redditors have noticed throughout the saga. In New Moon, Bella confronts Jacob about ignoring her and Jacob begins listing people she has been lying to, but abruptly stops after Charlie. A deleted Reddit user recalls that “the way he says it makes it seem like he was gonna go on,” making it even more confusing.
The abrupt cut could be seen as intentional, given that she doesn’t really have any other family nearby, but it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact reason his line ends this way, mid-sentence, and it feels unnatural. Whether it was intentional or bad editing, this bothered many Redditors ever since they noticed it.
Jacob Calling Edward “Dad”
In Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Jacob imprints on Renesmee as soon as she is born. After Edward finds out, Jacob asks if he should start calling him “dad.” Although Rigatoni-maroni found that scene specifically disturbing, they say “as if the whole imprinting stuff wasn’t cringey enough.” Some Redditors would rather pretend it never happened in the first place.
Jacob imprinting on Renesmee right when she is born is strange, but making a joke right after is worse. Jacob and Edward always had a rocky relationship from the beginning, so the imprinting isn’t something to be taken lightly. Jacob shouldn’t have said this in an already tense environment, making it that much more cringe-worthy.
Bella Discussing Her Virginity With Charlie
Ma2340 points to the scene where Bella yells at Charlie that she’s a virgin. They said they can “feel the cringe and awkwardness watching it play out on the screen.” Kristen Stewart and Billy Burke acted perfectly in this scene together, making it that much more real and intentionally uncomfortable.
After hearing his daughter say she’s a virgin, there’s an awkward pause which made it look like he was relieved to know the truth or even proud of it. Charlie cares about Bella’s safety enough to have this embarrassing conversation, even if it is very uncomfortable. Their relationship begins to mend after she moved to Forks, but their conversations will always be icky and somewhat forced for some viewers.
Jasper’s Southern Accent
A tiny detail noticed by one Redditor would be “when Jasper says ‘Battle scars’ with the weird lisp.” Eclipse takes the viewers back in time to when he first became a vampire. During that time, he had a Southern accent that no one expected, including Redditor earthdaisyy.
Jasper’s all-of-a-sudden accent did not seem natural at all, making this a cringe-worthy part. An accent isn’t something weird in itself, but in the context of seeing him in two movies prior, without it, it took many viewers aback. Although some didn’t notice at first, hearing it on a rewatch made it seem forced. It didn’t seem to fit in the Twilight universe, even as a Confederate soldier.
“Bella, Where The Hell Have You Been, Loca?”
Jacob Black has many lines that seem to take the cringe-worthy prize. FearlessSwift points out the exact line: “Bella, where the hell have you been loca?” in New Moon. In the scene, Jacob runs towards Bella as she gets out of her truck with a motorcycle they could work on together.
While cringe-worthy, this line is quite iconic for being a source of multiple memes. Many viewers will forever be haunted by this humorous scene. There didn’t seem to be any reason for him to be calling Bella “loca.” It’s a bizarrely out-of-character line for someone who is usually serious, but it’s nice to see him happy for once.
“This Is The Skin Of A Killer, Bella.”
The most iconic yet cringe-worthy scene has to be when Edward shows Bella his skin in the sunlight. As he steps into the sun, he says, “This is the skin of a killer, Bella.” Many Redditors agree with bois_jacques that the scene can’t be taken seriously as he sparkles and goes from a terrifying vampire to a shining disco ball.
Unlike traditional vampires, Twilight’s vampires don’t burn in the sunlight. Instead, they sparkle in the sun like a gemstone in a dark cave. One Redditor even jokes about being kept up all night for how cringe this line was. Bella is unable to take her eyes off of him because he looks beautiful and harmless, rather than the monster he claims to be.