Twilight: 13 Best Quotes About Love
The Twilight series is one of the most popular young adult franchises ever, and it features a surprisingly large number of quotes about love. The story follows the life of Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart in the movies) after she makes the move to the small town of Forks to live with her father. While there, she falls for a classmate who just happens to be a vampire living in a family of vampires using the gloomy town as cover. The duo’s love story is punctuated by supernatural lore and warring vampire factions.
The series might have fantasy elements, but at its core, it’s about romance. The themes of love are what so many fans enjoyed. That’s not just the love story of Bella and Edward (Robert Pattinson) either. Twilight’s characters find their perfect matches as vampires. Emmet (Kellan Lutz) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) are made for one another. Carlisle (Peter Facinelli) and Esme (Elizabeth Reaser) embrace a nonviolent immortal life and their love brings them a family of like-minded vampires. Twilight, therefore features a lot of love.
“Look After My Heart. I’ve Left It With You.”
Edward, Eclipse
This particular line is one of the most romantic Twilight quotes, and yet, it doesn’t actually get spoken aloud. It’s also actually from the Eclipse chapter of the saga. It’s in Eclipse, which is widely regarded as the best of the movie adaptations, that Edward and Bella are becoming their most comfortable with one another, and are their most romantic without conforming to other people’s ideas of romance.
Considering how much time the two spend around one another once they’ve worked out their issues from New Moon, it’s a wonder either of them even needs to leave each other notes at all.
The Twilight love quote comes in the form of a note that Edward leaves for Bella. Considering how much time the two spend around one another once they’ve worked out their issues from New Moon, it’s a wonder either of them even needs to leave each other notes at all. They’re so attached that, metaphorically, Bella really does have a hold on Edward’s heart, making this note incredibly sweet.
“I Was In Love With The Idea Of Love.”
Rosalie, Eclipse
Not all of the Twilight quotes about love are from feel-good moments. This one certainly isn’t. It comes from Rosalie as she recounts the story of her being turned into a vampire – and the tragedy that came right before it. Rosalie in both the books and movies is not always Bella’s biggest fan, but it isn’t exactly personal. Her life was taken from her in a very traumatic way, and it shattered the idea she had of love for a long time.
Rosalie had her life all laid out, ready to marry young and become a wife and mother, but the man she trusted to become her husband took advantage of her – and allowed his friends to do the same. Rosalie tries repeatedly to caution Bella that immortality isn’t always a fairy tale and that she should live her life to the fullest before becoming a vampire.
“My Life Was An Unending, Unchanging, Midnight… How Was It Possible That The Sun Was Rising Now, In The Middle Of My Midnight?”
Edward, Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun was a novel that Stephenie Meyer worked on, retelling Twilight from Edward’s perspective, then putting it away for several years before publishing it in 2020. This particular line comes straight from Edward in his Midnight Sun. The novel allows fans to get inside his head in a way that Twilight doesn’t. Edward isn’t the most popular leading man these days, but his love for Bella is easy to see on the page and on the screen.
The all-consuming nature of his love might be a bit much, but no one can accuse Edward of not being true to his feelings.
He spends so long thinking he’s never going to find a companion in the way that the rest of his family (or coven) has that his life is lonely, feeling like it’s shrouded in darkness. Bella becomes the sun for him, the bright star that his entire world revolves around when she breaks through that darkness. The all-consuming nature of his love might be a bit much, but no one can accuse Edward of not being true to his feelings.
“If I Could Dream At All, It Would Be About You.”
Edward, Twilight
During the first book, Edward spends a large amount of time watching Bella sleep. That’s because vampires don’t have the need to sleep. Bella becomes embarrassed when she realizes that she talks in her sleep about Edward. She feels insecure about this because she isn’t entirely sure what she says when she’s unconscious. Since Edward can’t sleep, he isn’t able to dream about her in return.
However, Edward reassures her by explaining that if he was able to sleep, Bella would be one of the only things he would dream about. While dreams aren’t always logical, this is a sweet sentiment. He wants Bella to be reassured that there’s nothing for her to be embarrassed about, and he also wants to make his feelings perfectly clear for her, making it a sweet moment for them.
“Surely It Was A Good Way To Die, In The Place Of Someone Else, Someone I Loved.”
Bella, Twilight
In the first Twilight book, Bella thinks that James is going to kill her mother. Bella is terrified of that happening, and she feels a need to stop it, but she’s not exactly someone who can go toe-to-toe with a vampire at that point, so she believes she needs to sacrifice herself in order to save her mother. This is a great quote about love because it shows that love isn’t always just about romance.
Romance isn’t the only kind of love there is. There are so many kinds of love, and the kind of love that makes a person willing to die to save someone else is really a beautiful thing. While it’s sad to think, even for a second, that Bella could lose her life, for Bella, that love for her mother is stronger than any fear of the powerful vampires around her.
“And So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb…”
Edward, Twilight
Because Twilight is a romance series, some of the quotes about love may be a bit on the melodramatic side, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t relatable. This is one of the most well-known quotes from the series. While it might rub some people the wrong way because it inherently calls to mind a power imbalance or an unhealthy relationship, it makes sense given that Edward is a vampire, and Bella is a human.
When Edward makes the comment, he acknowledges that he’s dangerous for Bella. In fact, that’s a running theme in the movies. He wants to keep Bella safe, but she loves him so much that she doesn’t care about the dangers being with him can present. It’s a near-constant source of frustration for Edward who feels like Bella is constantly running straight into danger without a way to defend herself.
“You Don’t Know How Long I’ve Waited For You.”
Edward, Twilight
While Bella might only be 17 when she meets Edward, Edward is much, much older. He’s over 100 years old when he finally meets his soulmate. So, for Edward, he’s had a lot of time to wait and wonder if he’d ever really fall in love with someone. In the Cullen family, or as they’re also called, the Olympic Coven, everyone else is paired up. Edward was welcomed as a son by Carlisle when the rest of his family died from fever, and he watched as Rosalie, Emmet, Alice, and Jasper joined their family and fell in love.
Edward had decades to be lonely and to wonder if he would ever meet someone that he clicked with the way his “siblings” clicked with one another. This is one of the especially romantic Twilight quotes, showing the intensity of his feelings for Bella and how much she means to him.
“I Was Unconditionally And Irrevocably In Love With Him.”
Bella, Twilight
This is another of the most well-known Twilight quotes about love, but this one is said by Bella early on in the first book. Bella has never been in love before. She’s also, to her knowledge, never met a supernatural being before. At the time of this particular Twilight line about love, Bella is realizing that she is in love with Edward at this moment, and at the same time also realizing that he is a vampire who does have a primal desire for her blood.
While she might fall in love with him a little quickly, it makes sense given that these two are presented as soulmates. Also, given that Edward is an alluring vampire, it’s not surprising that Bella comes to terms with her feelings for him so quickly. Several of her classmates have crushes on him without ever getting to know him, but she’s given the chance to know the real him.
“No Measure Of Time With You Will Be Long Enough. But, We’ll Start With Forever.”
Edward, Breaking Dawn
This is a quote that is said by Edward in Breaking Dawn, and it definitely speaks to the depth of love and emotion that this pair of lovers has for one another. While they both end up being immortal vampires by the end of the series, they love each other so much that even eternity doesn’t seem like long enough to be together.
He’s already waited a century for her, so he wants as much time as possible with her, even if forever doesn’t feel like enough for him.
It also speaks to the length of time Edward has already waited to meet the person he believes is his soulmate: Bella. He’s already waited a century for her, so he wants as much time as possible with her, even if forever doesn’t feel like enough for him. It’s an idealistic and romantic notion in a world that’s full of flash-in-the-pan relationships, which he’s likely witnessed his fair share of.
“It’s Possible To Love More Than One Person At A Time.”
Jacob, Eclipse
This is a sage bit of wisdom about love that might not be the most expected. It’s not one of the most romantic Twilight quotes, but Jacob says this to Bella during the midst of the love triangle. Despite the jealousy that he and Edward feel for one another, he understands that Bella could have feelings for both of them, and he does want what’s best for her, whatever that may be.
It’s a good insight as for many people it’s possible to fall in love with more than one person, and for many people, a monogamous relationship isn’t the most fulfilling relationship. Being able to admit that love can be felt for more than one person is a mature thing. Jacob isn’t always the most mature character, but the fan-favorite does drop some good lines in the Twilight Saga.
“Love Gave Someone The Power To Break You.”
Bella, New Moon
This is a quote that Bella says about Jacob during the events of New Moon. While she didn’t mean to love Jacob, she did start to love him, and she was never quite sure how much or in what way she loved him. It made things very confusing for both of them and nearly damaged their friendship beyond repair. This is a more depressing quote that talks about the intensity of love and how it can bring pain as well as joy.
Despite how much Bella cares about Jacob, during the events of New Moon, she’s really using him to fill the void she feels while Edward is gone. Spending time with Jacob is the first time that Bella feels happy after Edward disappears from her life. She doesn’t know it at the time, and it’s unlikely she would ever do it intentionally, but Bella hurts Jacob when runs right back to Edward.
“I Already Consider You A Sister.”
Alice, New Moon
While Twilight might be a romance, it’s also a series that talks about familial love often. Family takes center stage many times in the series as a result of the Cullen coven, and Bella quickly loves Edwards’ family. The familial connections between them are just as important as the romantic ones. Rosalie is fiercely protective of Edward, for example, and Alice is immediately warm to Bella.
Many of his family members also love Bella and accept her as soon as they meet her. Alice might be subject of a lot of internet memes now, but she loves and accepts Bella as family before they even meet because she feels like she already knows Bella from her visions. She says this line to Bella that shows just how much she cares about Bella and how important family can be.
“No One’s Ever Loved Anyone As Much As I Love You.”
Bella, Breaking Dawn
Many of the quotes concerning romantic love in the Twilight Saga center on Bella and Edward because the story is theirs of finding one another. This is one of the most romantic Twilight quotes that shows just how much Bella and Edward love one another. Bella says this quote to Edward, and he replies by saying, “There’s one exception.” They both feel like they’ve found their soulmate and that they love one another on a deep, abiding level.
They make no apologies for how they feel, and once Edward understands that Bella is going to keep running into danger because she makes her own choices,
This relationship and how intense they are about one another is why many people love the series. They make no apologies for how they feel, and once Edward understands that Bella is going to keep running into danger because she makes her own choices, and once Bella understands that Edward is always going to want to protect her, they don’t have to hide their feelings or try to tamp them down.
The Twilight Saga celebrates the beauty of love in its many forms, and one of those forms is in the romance of their relationship.