‘Twilight Saga’ comes to an end

‘Twilight Saga’ comes to an end

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful this is the last Twilight movie I have to watch.

The last installment of the Twilight saga follows its predecessors with poor filmmaking and bad acting.

I won’t bore you with my feelings about the films or how bad an actress Kristen Stewart (Bella) is. I mean, come on, Stewart. Leaning forward and breathing heavy does not equate intensity in a scene. Work on your acting already.

Instead, I will talk about what this film does right. It doesn’t exactly create the film all the Twi-hards had dreamed of. It messes with their heads and the reaction from the fans in the audience is absolutely hilarious.

I can’t give too much detail because there are too many spoilers to count. Let’s just say it strays from the book a bit.

On opening day, audience reactions changed from anger to joy as the film progressed.

People were screaming “No!” Many shouted repeatedly at the screen and I thought a few were going to walk out of out of the theater.

One audience member said once the story in the film strayed from the books, she tweeted, “This is the worst movie ever.” But then, after all was resolved, she changed her tune. In the end, she was pleased.

Lorna Haire, manager at Movie Palace in Elizabethtown, was at the special early screening the night before the movie opened. The theater sold out two showings and opened a third theater for an overflow crowd.

During that screening, audiences shouted at scenes they weren’t expecting and cheered when their heroes fought strongly, she said.

She hadn’t seen that kind of reaction to a film in a long time.

They were “really into the film,” she said.

The same cast of characters is in this film led by Stewart, Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob).

One bright spot to the film was the addition of Lee Pace to the cast. He plays Garrett, a vampire who comes to help the Cullen family. Pace had two movies opening the same day, also delivering a good performance in “Lincoln.” He might be remembered from the short-lived television show “Pushing Daisies.”

His character is funny and well played, unlike many of the other performances in the film.

There’s nothing much new here as far as film quality, but it is interesting to see how the studio took a risk and messed with fans of the book series. It could have all gone wrong and make the fans turn their back on the franchise. But since this was the last film in the series, it was a risk they must have been willing to take.

A note to parents: This film is a lot more sultry and violent. It’s different from the first one in that respect.

If you are looking for a good movie to watch this weekend, choose “Lincoln.” If you’re the type to get a kick out of watching audiences interacting with the film, then “Twilight” is the way to go.

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