UPCOMING: Bella Swan’s Power Shields Her From Mental Attacks

Considering Some of the Strongest Vampires Do Mental Attacks, It’s Super Useful
Bella Swan was born in 1987 and changed by Edward — although some could say Renesmee was the one who changed her — in 2006, just two days shy of her 19th birthday. As a human, Bella possesses a special gift: a mental shield. This was something that she had even when she was human, as her thoughts were blocked from Edward. Her natural instinct to protect her own also became a part of her arsenal of vampiric powers.After Bella transforms into a vampire, her gift only grows in power. She can manipulate her shield to protect others, and she can temporarily remove the shield to allow her husband, Edward, to read her mind. The weak side of her gift is that it only provides mental protection and is unable to stop physical attacks. She ranks second on the list because, even as a human, her gift was exceptionally effective against vampires and grew after her transformation.Afton is a vampire guard for the Volturi. He has the mental invisibility power, which means that he can make himself psychically undetectable. It’s not exactly a shield like Bella’s, but it’s similar in the sense that Bella’s mind is impenetrable.

Aro’s bodyguard, Renata, also has a shielding ability like Bella. Her main power is an aversion field, which causes opponents to lose focus and stop being aggressive when they are attacking her.
Afton and Renata are two intriguing members of the Volturi guard in *The Twilight Saga*, each possessing unique powers that make them valuable assets to the Volturi’s elite force.

Afton’s power of mental invisibility is particularly fascinating. Unlike Bella’s mental shield, which prevents others from penetrating her mind, Afton’s ability allows him to become psychically undetectable. This means he can essentially “disappear” from the minds of others, making it impossible for them to perceive him mentally. This power would be incredibly useful for stealth and surprise attacks, as well as for evading detection by enemies or even by allies when necessary.

Renata, on the other hand, serves as Aro’s bodyguard and has a shielding ability similar to Bella’s, but with a different function. Her aversion field creates a psychological barrier that disorients opponents, causing them to lose focus and cease their aggressive actions when they attempt to attack her. This power not only protects Renata but also shields Aro, the leader of the Volturi, from physical harm by neutralizing threats before they can reach him. It’s a defensive mechanism that ensures anyone who tries to approach her or Aro with hostile intent is effectively repelled.

Together, Afton and Renata’s abilities demonstrate the diverse range of powers within the vampire world of *The Twilight Saga*, showcasing how different talents can be harnessed for both offense and defense. Their roles within the Volturi underscore the importance of unique gifts in maintaining the power and influence of this ancient coven.

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