Should Rework Renesmee Presented Narrative Issues In Twilight There were problematic parts of the Twilight plot other than Edward Cullen, such as his daughter with Bella, Renesmee. The Twilight show could improve the werewolf and Renesmee storylines that were present in the books and movies. Bella fell in love with both Edward and Jacob, with Jacob later realizing that he had “imprinted” on Renesmee while she was in utero. This element of Meyer’s fantasy world-building was the process whereby werewolves found their soulmate, and involved the werewolf’s sibling-like bond with the imprintee becoming problematically romantic as it developed.Jacob’s protective family dynamic with Renesmee becoming romantic wasn’t necessarily predatory and was built on similar themes in other fantasy novels. But much like the books and movies’ handling of Edward Cullen’s unacceptable behavior, the risks of Jacob’s relationship with Renesmee weren’t satisfactorily addressed. An adult in a position of authority with safeguarding responsibilities towards a minor has a huge impact on their life. If that adult has romantic intentions for them, they run a high risk of steering them toward their own selfish goals. Therefore, Jacob’s imprinting should also be reworked in the show.
The show would be better off retconning some aspects of imprinting, along with Edward Cullen’s behavior, to make Twilight the incredible romance it could be. The Twilight show could adapt Jacob’s imprinting on Renesmee, but it would have to seriously address its issues and real- world implications. That would involve managing through arguably the most challenging subject of our modern day – that of grooming. Even for a gritty, teen soap opera, this may not work. Jacob still has to hit protagonist notes to remain the character from the books, and if he becomes more seriously associated with grooming, that will become impossible. The show would be better off retconning some aspects of imprinting, along with Edward Cullen’s behavior, to make Twilight the incredible romance it could be.