Captain Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) might need to watch out for a certain McGrath in Law & Order: SVU—and no, we’re not talking about the (now acting) chief (Terry Serpico). Rather, it’s his wife, Katie, played by a very familiar face for procedural fans, Blue Bloods‘ Amy Carlson, and we’d love to see more of these two women going toe to toe. (Fun fact: Carlson guest starred as another character in a Season 2 episode of SVU.)
The latest episode featured a case that was very personal for the McGraths, their daughter’s rape. During the course of the investigation, McGrath got heated and threatened the teen he thought was responsible, and Benson had to report his actions and words to Internal Affairs. As a result, Captain Curry (Aimé Donna Kelly) joined the investigation.
At one point, Katie pulled Benson aside to tell her she’d spoken with her husband. He understood he overstepped, and it wouldn’t happen again, “so you can call off IAB.” But Benson couldn’t do that. “I’ve been an NYPD wife for 20 years,” Katie began, but Benson pointed out that was why “you should know that Captain Curry is here to protect your husband as much as she is here to protect this case.”
“And maybe you,” Katie added, then asked bluntly, “Are you gunning for Tommy’s job?” Benson was shocked, and Katie repeated the question, adding, “You know, chiefs are political cannon fodder. You know what happened to Garland…” (Demore Barnes‘ character was hung out to dry by McGrath and given no choice but to quit in the Season 23 premiere.) Benson made sure she knew that was not what was happening and steered the focus back to Katie’s daughter.
Mariska Hargitay Talks ‘SVU’ Season 25 Focusing on Benson Healing
Mariska Hargitay Talks ‘SVU’ Season 25 Focusing on Benson Healing
At the end of the episode, McGrath knew he had to face what was coming for him, and the last conversation between Benson and Curry revealed he was on modified duty and top brass was vetting candidates for his position while he was only acting chief. Now, nothing suggests that Carlson will be back as a result, but that conversation with Benson certainly set up the possibility of another one to be had, especially if McGrath is replaced. We know that Katie won’t like that, even if he’s accepted it. Plus, like we said, we’re all for more scenes between Hargitay and Carlson. It’s also the perfect time to call into question what Benson might be thinking about for her future—which Katie has done and could continue to do—with this season seeing her “reflecting on her career,” as Wolf Entertainment Executive VP Rebecca McGill said.