UPCOMING: Jennifer Esposito Returning to Blue Bloods is the Ending Jackie Deserved

Jennifer Esposito left Blue Bloods in 2012 after playing the dynamic Jackie Curatola for three seasons. Her departure from the CBS police procedural was something of a dramatic affair as Esposito had been unceremoniously fired. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Esposito had been given doctor’s orders to take a week off work because of her celiac disease, but CBS had been convinced it was a scheme to get more money.

Considering those circumstances, most Blue Bloods viewers assumed they would never see Jackie again. But in a truly surprising turn of events, Esposito reprised her role as Jackie in Season 13 — over a decade after she departed. Jackie returned in Blue Bloods’ Season 13 finale and with a new job title at that. This means Esposito was finally able to give the character she was so abruptly parted from the closure that Jackie and her fans have always deserved.
Updated by Jordan Iacobucci on July 13, 2024: After over a decade on the air, Blue Bloods is officially coming to an end with its fourteenth season. The final season of the long-running police procedural has a lot of work to do in order to wrap up its main characters’ storylines, but must not forget Jennifer Esposito’s Jackie Curatola in the process.

How Jackie Left Blue Bloods Was a Failure

Jackie Curatola was introduced as the partner of Donnie Wahlberg’s character, Danny Reagan. The pair had a strong rapport and a powerful friendship that was central to the first three seasons of Blue Bloods. In Season 2, Episode 11, “Mercy,” when Jackie’s car followed a suspect’s into a river, Danny attempted to save her by diving in. However, he couldn’t find her and assumed she had died. His devastated reaction to Jackie’s death highlighted her importance to him. Later in the episode, Danny discovers Jackie had actually been taken hostage and risks his own life in a standoff to save her. The two of them had the kind of partnership that every TV police procedural wants.
But in Season 3, Episode 7, “Nightmares,” one of the saddest episodes of Blue Bloods, Jackie was shot on the job and began to question her career as a detective. Her frustration with the bureaucratic nature of the NYPD fueled her uncertainty as she decided whether to continue with the job. When Danny visited Jackie in the hospital, she told him she had decided to resign. That farewell scene was brief and unsatisfying, especially for fans who had become attached to Jackie. While she may have had her ups and downs with the NYPD, she loved being a detective, so quitting did not feel true to her character. The only positive about it was that Blue Bloods didn’t have Jackie die as the show did with Danny’s wife Linda.

Blue Bloods Makes Up for Jackie’s Lackluster Send-Off

On April 13th, TVLine broke the news of Jennifer Esposito’s return to Blue Bloods, alongside another long-absent cast member. The reveal confirmed that Jackie has returned to police work — and showed her wearing a jacket that said “Chief of Police.” This promotion is much more appropriate for the character than a quick resignation. She was a skilled detective who put her all into police work, such as when Jackie went undercover to help stop a serial killer in Season 2, Episode 7, “Lonely Hearts Club.” Blue Bloods fans can feel better knowing that in her time off-screen, Jackie persevered with her career despite her previous misgivings and rose through the ranks.
Will Jennifer Esposito Return In Blue Bloods’ Finale?

The ending of the Season 13 finale leaves Jackie and Danny on a bittersweet but open-ended note. Jackie says that the case reminded her of the good and bad of the job; she hates seeing the helpless victims dying by violent ends and things getting personal with the suspect, but she loved working with Danny. In the end, she claims she found her happy place, as has Danny, and they go their separate ways. However, this wouldn’t be the last that audiences saw of Jackie Curatola, who returned in an early episode of Blue Bloods’ final season. However, with only a few episodes left to go, it is unclear if the series is finished with Esposito’s character.
After over a decade on the air, Blue Bloods has a lot of work to do in its fourteenth and final season, which will air its second half later this year. While it might be nice to see some characters return, including Jennifer Esposito’s Jackie Curatola, it might be more prudent for Blue Bloods to focus more heavily on its main cast to give them satisfying conclusions to their arcs. Nevertheless, this doesn’t rule out at least one more appearance from Curatola, who remains one of the show’s most popular characters who disappeared in the middle of its run.

Regardless of whether Jackie returns in Blue Bloods’ finale, fans are in for an emotional ride as the series comes to its long-awaited conclusion later this year.

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