One Fuller House future update makes the best idea for the next Full House spin-off more possible. Netflix’s revival efforts for the family sitcom only ran for five seasons. Its cancelation came as a shock even for Fuller House actors, who were convinced that the show still had at least one more year before ending. This fueled interest in seeing more of the Tanners, whether through a direct continuation with Fuller House season 6 or a different Full House spin-off. Based on an update regarding the efforts to bring the Tanners back into the small screen, it sounds like the latter option is increasingly getting more likely.
Amid persistent calls to see more of the Tanners, Stephanie actress Jodie Sweetin offers an idea of when the next Full House spin-off may release. According to her, the potential project may not happen until after 20 years. This may seem like a letdown for those hoping that it will come sooner, but it’s also the perfect timeline to do The Golden Girls-inspired Full House offshoot. The idea was previously suggested by Sweetin herself and would see, DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy still living together, albeit in Miami, sharing a house there like Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia did on the groundbreaking ’80s sitcom.
The next Full House spin-off has an ample amount of potential when it comes to possible plot ideas. Fuller House left a couple of loose plot lines that the franchise can take advantage of. That includes the new set-up at the Tanner household where all three families live after DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy’s triple wedding. Otherwise, the show can also focus on a single character, the way the Netflix show did with DJ. The Golden Girls-inspired Full House spin-off is arguably the best option out there, however. For starters, it allows separation from Fuller House which was canceled in 2020. Secondly, it puts a different spin on the franchise’s home-sharing theme.
Strictly copying The Golden Girls’ premise may be secretly tragic, however, as it would mean that the girls would either be widowed, separated or broke, as those are the reasons why Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche became roommates in the first place. However, if the proposed Full House spin-off tweaks the narrative to make it more lighthearted, it could actually work. It would be interesting to see how DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy deal with growing old and being empty-nesters — something that hasn’t been tackled in the TV franchise.The majority of the Full House cast wants to do another reboot to continue the legacy of the show. The problem is, some actors aren’t interested in it — at least for now. John Stamos said that he doesn’t want to do it without Bob Saget, who tragically passed earlier in 2022. Meanwhile, based on her provided timeline, it seems like Sweetin is also on the fence about a potential further show or reboot. Whether or not another Full House spin-off moves forward without either or both of them is unsure, but it will be difficult to explain Stephanie and Uncle Jesse’s absence, especially with Michelle no longer around in Fuller House.