UPCOMING: Twilight Should Have Kept The Original Script’s “Bad Ass Bella”

While the original script for Twilight’s movie adaptation strayed very far from the source novel saga, the blockbuster movies could have benefited from some of the changes made to Bella’s meek character. The Twilight series is not a set of blockbuster movies remembered primarily for their intense action set-pieces. Admittedly, directors like Catherine Hardwicke and David Slade added violence to the Twilight movies to heighten their stakes and make them more exciting, but the franchise was primarily famous for being a teen love story.
In the original script for the *Twilight* movie, Bella Swan was portrayed as a stronger and more proactive character compared to the version seen on screen. Instead of being a passive and dependent figure, this “badass” Bella had a more significant role in action scenes and was less reliant on Edward or other male characters for rescue. If this version had been retained, the film could have offered a more compelling character arc, showcasing Bella’s growth and inner strength. This approach would have balanced the romance with more dynamic storytelling, potentially broadening the movie’s appeal. Bella’s active involvement in conflicts would have made the battles against threats like the Volturi and werewolves more intense and meaningful, creating a more modern and engaging narrative for audiences.Retaining the original “badass” version of Bella could have also added layers to her character, making her journey more relatable and empowering for viewers. By depicting Bella as someone who actively participates in the challenges she faces, the film would have provided a more nuanced portrayal of a young woman navigating a world filled with supernatural dangers. This version of Bella would have been seen as a partner to Edward, rather than just someone who needed protection, which could have led to a more balanced and equal relationship between the two.

Furthermore, a more assertive Bella could have strengthened the emotional stakes of the story. Her decisions and actions would carry more weight, and her victories would feel earned, contributing to a more satisfying narrative. This change could also have helped address some of the criticisms the series received regarding Bella’s passivity, making her a more well-rounded and dynamic protagonist.

Overall, incorporating the original script’s vision of Bella as a more active and empowered character could have enhanced the *Twilight* saga, offering a blend of romance, action, and character development that might have resonated more deeply with a wider audience.

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