Victor Alli On John & Francesca’s Love in ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3

Bridgerton season 3 is close to releasing its final episodes! Preparing for it, we sat down to talk with Victor Alli, the talented actor who plays John Stirling. He gives us an intimate look at his experience playing a character so beloved by fans. From managing high expectations to exploring the complexity of his relationship with Francesca, Alli takes us behind the scenes and reveals the challenges and satisfactions of his role. Ready?
The Challenge of Meeting Fan Expectations

Victor Alli

John Stirling is one of the most beloved characters in the entire fandom. So, for Victor Alli, playing him in Bridgerton season 3 was a challenge due to the fans high expectations. “Not by choice, but I got sent this message. I think it was a Reddit post about people having their ‘fan casting’ and who they want to play John and whatever. It scared me when I saw the huge names that they had. I just thought I’m not Henry Cavill,” Alli confessed.

“I just really wanted to do it justice. Part of that is just not worrying about what other people are saying about the character and just knowing what I’m doing and focusing on the characteristics, focusing on the different things that make John, John. That was quite helpful because everyone on set had such amazing performances. It’s so tempting to try and copy stuff and be like, I want to try and do that and try and do this. That’s not me. That’s Colin. That’s Anthony. I’m John. Staying true to my journey in the arc of John and trying to be as authentic as possible,” and we all agree on that Victor Alli understood the assignment.

One of the most interesting and challenging aspects for Victor Alli was exploring the many facets of John. “I found really interesting versions of John, John when he’s with Francesca, John when he’s with the family, John when he’s with the boys at the bar, at the pub. It was quite nice to play around with all those different versions and see that he’s got different dynamics and different personalities,” he commented.

“It was quite nice seeing him with the boys and how different he is with the brothers and Mr. Mondrich. When he’s in different settings, you get to experience a different side of John, which is, with anyone, when we’re in different settings, people see different versions of us and we’re surprised. We even surprised ourselves like, oh, I didn’t know I’d do that,” he shared. This variety allowed Alli to show John’s different dynamics and personalities, making the character more complex and real.

John & Francesca’s Connection in Bridgerton Season 3 and its Evolution in Part 2

Bridgerton 3x04

Alli tells us that one of the most significant moments between John and Francesca was their first meeting outside of the ball. “I think when they first met outside the ball when they stood in silence for an extremely long time. Yes, that’s the moment when John thought, wow, she’s really chill. It doesn’t feel like John trying really hard. Without having said a word, they already have a connection.”

This moment was crucial for John, who became intrigued by Francesca and wanted to explore that relationship further. “John realized that, of course, she’s an amazing, beautiful woman. Also, he’s like, okay, cool, I’m not fazed by the ton, by the world, by the traditions of how they do things. I’m going to go to her house and see how I can speak to her, or not speak to her more, but be with her. So, yeah, I think the moment at the party when John realized that actually the both of them can just get on without even speaking, really interested him in Francesca,” Victor Alli added.In Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2, the relationship between John and Francesca deepens and progresses significantly. Alli explained “John starts to come out of his shell. There’s a boldness that he begins to have. He’s got a lot of support from Francesca as he meets more of her family. They’re doing a lot of planning for life, for their future.”

This evolution shows a more confident John and how he adapted to the world around him. In the words of Victor Alli, “John really comes into himself. He understands the world he’s in, especially being in the Ton. He’s learning very fast and very quickly. John is getting along with a lot of the people, the family, the friends, very fast. He’s a likable guy, which is quite nice.”

Future Family Dramas in Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2

Hannah Dodd in Bridgerton Season 3

As in any family drama, not everything is easy for John. His relationship with Violet, Francesca’s mother, adds a layer of tension. “Violet cares a lot for her daughter, wants the best for her, and wants her to be happy. Francesca really wants to let the Queen know that she’s found her match, she’s got her man, but the mother, Violet, is cautious not to announce what’s going on between them prematurely. She’s trying to play the cards right,” Victor Alli noted.

Violet’s wariness causes John to question his acceptance within the family, leading to moments of introspection and effort on John’s part to earn her approval.

“There are moments where John may feel that Violet doesn’t like him. He starts to think, what do I do? What have I done wrong? I’m really honest and sincere. I’ve laid my cards on the table. What can I do? What’s going on? What’s happening, Violet? But it’s just a mother caring for her child. John is a stranger after all. John tries to declare himself and he makes more of an effort and tries to talk more and not just sit in silence with Francesca. Yeah, there’s definitely an evolution of John and a progression that happens in the coming episodes,” Victor Alli added.

Finally, Victor Alli hinted at an exciting future for John and Francesca in the coming seasons. “If you’ve read the books, you know what happens to John, but it’s exciting, because [despite it] I don’t know what to expect. We come together. We try to plan our future, our lives, and we will see what happens when we go back to Scotland,” he concluded.

Victor Alli’s performance as John Stirling in Bridgerton season 3 has captured the hearts of many, and his dedication to the character promises to keep fans hooked on every twist and evolution of the story.

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