There’s nothing quite like watching some comfort television, and Virgin River tops the list with its diverse and complex characters, each with their own engaging story arcs. The show draws audiences in right from the start, with enigmatic but lovely Mel, handsome Jack, sullen Mullins, and the delicious possibility of a new personal mystery always lurking within the conifers.
Virgin River had its share of really hateful characters and townspeople who were magnetic and instantly lovable. Everyone was given origin stories and deeper aspects to their personalities which the show revealed slowly — much to the delight of the fans. But how do they rank from least to most lovable?
Dan Brady
Lack of gratitude, arrogance, and no dignity of labor were some of the traits that made Brady so awful. He was a pathological liar, who bit the hand that fed him. Jack gave him several chances to redeem himself after his life as a Marine, but Brady wanted the easy way out and got involved with a drug lord.
Even the few vestiges of decency he showed at the end by not killing Spencer do little to redeem his terrible actions from the rest of the show.
Charmaine Roberts
Jack’s on-again-off-again fling was easily one of the most irritating characters on Virgin River. Initially, she seemed like a woman pining for unrequited love, but when that pining turned into open hostility towards Mel, she became extremely unlikeable. Her presence in the show is a lot more than in the books, too.
Through her pregnancy, she was catty, aggressive, and deliberately difficult even though Doc and Mel were only trying to help her get through her complicated term. The snide comments and unnecessary outbursts made Charmaine one of the most hateful characters on the show.
Although Hope claimed to be caring and loving of the town and its people, her actions seemed to demonstrate differently. Her friendships were transactional, she was always trying to one-up her pals, and her refusal to learn from her mistakes grated on audience’s nerves.
Moreover, her game of setting up Doc and Muriel was unnecessarily cruel to both parties, and her lack of boundaries with Jack and Mel made things infinitely difficult for the couple. And she stubbornly believed that she was right every time.
Paige had a tragic backstory, but her initial aura of shadiness never really left her, which made her quite unlikeable. It was obvious that whatever she did, she did to protect her son and herself from an abusive husband, but the lies mixed with murder just made her arc a stressful one to watch.
She also took help from Preacher when she needed him, involved him in her mess, and then cut him out and left town mysteriously.