What is a cringy quote from Twilight?

What is a cringy quote from Twilight?

Bella is visiting Edward’s house, when suddenly Edward starts carrying her as he climbs giant trees. She clings onto his back, and he tells her to hold on, calling her a spider monkey, in a bizarrely out of place and cringy line.

Part of the reason why this line is so cringy is that it’s so unexpected. Edward is generally a pretty reserved character. He doesn’t make jokes, or give nicknames. So him suddenly calling Bella a monkey feels very out of place, and his prior lack of playfulness makes this quip just feel weird. Also if this is his idea of a pet name, “spider monkey” isn’t really a great one. It’s far more cringy than romantic.
This Twilight quote has been memed into oblivion, but it is still just as cringy as ever. When Bella and Jacob catch up in New Moon, Jacob exclaims this line in joy as the two hug. Arguably, Jacob should have known where this loca was, since she had been mourning her and Edward’s relationship inside her room for a number of months by this point.

The clunky integration of Spanish into the line feels very cringy, especially since neither characters are Spanish. The way that actor Taylor Lautner says the line is also a little cringy in just how wooden and one-note the delivery is.
Jacob imprinting on a baby will always be a horrifying and cringy concept, even to major fans of the franchise. What makes it even worse is that he states that the baby, “Nessie,” was the reason he felt attached to Bella. He even implies that he was never in love with Bella, just the unfertilized eggs that were inside her, which is gross to think about.
Furthermore, the idea that a baby which hadn’t even been born yet was calling out to Jacob makes him appear even more delusional than he already is. This line is so cringy that it goes into actually terrifying territory.

If there was one cringy moment and quote that summed up Edward and Bella’s relationship, this would be it. Edward laments how he, a dangerous predator, has fallen in love with a docile creature, Bella. His referral to them as animals is cringy enough, but the overly-dramatic way in which he says this quote makes it almost laughable.

Furthermore, they barely know each other at this point, so Edward declaring that he is in love with Bella all seems a bit sudden. It’d be cringy and off-putting for anyone to hear, even without the threat of him ripping her apart like a lamb.
When Jacob finds out that Bella and Edward are engaged, he is furious. He threatens to join the battle against Victoria, because he claims to no longer care if he lives or dies. Bella desperately asks Jacob to kiss her, and considering she had been rejecting him the whole movie, the request is pretty cringy.

Viewers can infer that Bella is pressured into making this request. While she doesn’t want to be with Jacob romantically, she cares about him, and his guilt trip of going to war forces her to kiss him in order to prevent this. Overall, it’s one of the cringiest moments between Bella and Jacob, because Bella was probably very uncomfortable.
Edward finds Bella’s blood irresistible, and he tells her that she is like a drug to him. He desperately wishes to drink her blood, while at the same time wanting to be her boyfriend. If there was ever a red flag, that would be it. One may also wonder if Edward has ever done heroin, which is an odd picture.

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