Who Should Play Elon Musk in Darren Aronofsky’s Movie?

Director Darren Aronofsky, the patron saint of edgy-dark fares like biblical horror film mother!, drugged-out nightmare Requiem for a Dream, and his latest, The Whale—which earned Brendan Fraser the Oscar for Best Actor—is reported on board to direct an Elon Musk biopic.

Aronofsky is a highly sought-after creative partner among Hollywood’s elite performers. Even if his films end up trending more toward melodramatic soup than quality stew, they tend to snag awards for lead actors like Fraser and Natalie Portman, who won Best Actress for 2010’s Black Swan. So it stands to reason that playing Musk, the famous absurd billionaire-technocrat, will be one of 2024’s hottest tickets.

Who among our highest-profile leading men should win out? Here are our staff’s top picks.

Christian Bale

Since his unlikely turn as Dick Cheney in Vice, Christian Bale has proven that he’ll shape-shift in the extreme to suit any role, no matter how little the role seems to suit him. And actually, Bale isn’t even that much of a stretch to play Musk. In fact, he’s kind of perfect. Sure, he’d have to pad himself out, but nowhere nearly as much as he did to play Cheney. Plus, Musk’s bizarre personality and hint of a South African accent would be an enticing challenge for an edgy chameleon like Bale. — Helen Holmes

Jon Hamm

Real talk: Jon Hamm is far too handsome to play Elon Musk. He did, however, just spent the entire past season of The Morning Show playing a billionaire tech mogul—one who owns a SpaceX-style company called Hyperion and who wants to dig his claws into the media sphere. So, yeah, he basically played Musk. It was a thrill seeing the Mad Men alum explore his villainous side—plus, he plays “rich asshole” quite convincingly—so who’s to say he couldn’t do it again? Hamm’s career is shockingly short on juicy dramatic leading movies roles, so this could be his shot. — Madeline Roth

Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon isn’t known for being a prolific actor—take a look at his IMDb acting credits; 99 percent say he simply played himself—but I’m officially challenging him to make a foray into independent film to play Musk. Why? Simply because Fallon looks a whole lot like him, in my opinion. But also because I want X (formerly Twitter, officially owned by Musk) to blow up when FilmUpdates posts, “Jimmy Fallon has been cast as Elon Musk.” Can you imagine the total clusterfuck that X will become when that news is announced?! I can’t wait. — Fletcher Peters

Brendan Fraser

This pick is mostly for trolling purposes after all the fuss surrounding Fraser’s staggering performance in Killers of the Flower Moon. Fraser and Musk are about the same age, with similar square-shaped heads. Plus, they’re both a bit awkward, so there’s something! Lest we forget—and boy, have I tried—Fraser took home the Oscar for Aronofsky’s The Whale, so it wouldn’t be that bizarre for the filmmaker to call up Fraser for another starring role. For chaos reasons solely, I’m all for it. — Kyndall Cunningham

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