Why can’t Edward read Bella’s mind?

Why can’t Edward read Bella’s mind?

People have always been equal parts fascinated by and devastated of vampires, so it’s no wonder that Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series became incredibly popular. The idea of a human teenage girl named Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) falling in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is pretty wild. Many people got swept up in the romance, even if there are a lot who aren’t sure that it’s a healthy or proper relationship.
While there are many interesting other characters in Twilight, the focus is always going to be on Edward and Bella. And in the case of Edward, fans still have many questions about all of his powers.
Edward acts in some strange ways sometimes, and people are curious why Edward covers his nose when he meets Bella at school. This is because he loves the way that she smells her and he wants her blood.

As a vampire, Edward wants human blood, Bella’s blood especially and of course this is a problem as he starts to fall in love with Bella.

It’s a big moment when Edward and Bella are finally intimate on their honeymoon in Breaking Dawn Part 1. Up until that point, Edward was fearful of them sleeping together, and fans have asked why. It’s because he’s much stronger than her, since he’s a powerful vampire, and it wouldn’t be safe. He was also concerned about his vampire instincts overpowering him, and he didn’t want to drink her blood or kill her.
Another big question that fans have about Edward’s vampire abilities is why he can’t read Bella’s mind. He has the power of telepathy, so this is a change for him. Because Bella is a shield, she can block people from reading her mind. Even prior to Bella being turned into a vampire, she had this power, making her an exceptionally strong shield.
At this point, it’s super cheesy to talk about loving the color of someone’s eyes, but this kind of statement has been a hallmark of romantic movies for decades now. Bella has talked about the color of Edward’s eyes a lot.

That is likely because in addition to being very pretty, Edward’s eyes change color. When he wants to eat, his eyes are black. The rest of the time, his eyes are a topaz color.
This is one of the most pressing questions that fans of the Twilight franchise have. After all, Edward is a vampire and Bella is human, and it’s hard to understand how conception could have actually happened.

Stephanie Meyer said that because vampires have venom, they can get people pregnant. She explained, “fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum.”

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