Why did Edward Cullen bite Bella Swan?

Why did Edward Cullen bite Bella Swan?

Edward bit Bella so that she could live. If he hadn’t, she would have died giving birth to Renesmee, their half-human/half-vampire daughter. I honestly have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Bella has been begging for this since practically book 1 and I like that she got her version of a happy ending, but she left so many people who loved her behind, like Charlie, Renee, and Phil. She was honestly (I can’t believe I’ m saying this about Bella) selfish because she only thought about being a vampire in accordance to being forever with Edward and being beautiful, fast, etc. Edward tried to tell her that, but she would never listen and it definitely infuriated me throughout the series .
Bella had been begging Edward to “turn” her since early in their relationship, despite both Edward’s and Rosalie’s efforts to convince her it was a terrible idea. The sad part about Bella’s transformation was that she had actually decided to remain human a little longer after their marriage (I think I recall that correctly) so that she could attend university.

To me, the even sadder part about Edward resorting to transforming Bella to save the love of his life was that at no point in the books did Bella ever really take the time to consider the ALL the ramifications of immortality outside being with Edward forever-and immortality as a vampire. And if Bella had really taken the time to listen to her vampire family, she would have realized that being a vampire was a lot more than just being sparkly, speedy and strong.

It hurt both Rosalie and Esme that they had been robbed of being mothers to their own children. Jasper apparently was still struggling enormously with being a “vegetarian”, and he was forced to go to school almost every day, surrounded with all those delicious living morsels, and not go berserk. He almost had Bella for an appetizer at her own birthday party when she got a tiny paper cut. Carlisle at least had a career as a doctor, but eventually when his fellow physicians (at least in the modern era ) got suspicious that he wasn’t aging enough even in the age of Botox, he had to pack up the crew and move. And I have to wonder why Jasper, Alice, Edward and Rosalie couldn’t go to college in the various cities they lived in; why just high school? There should have been one solid wall covered with university degrees to go with the high school mortarboards.

Well, anyway, you asked why Edward bit Bella Swan? To save, and to end, her life at the same time.

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